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Dernier   Listen
Dernier  adj.  Last; final.
Dernier ressort, last resort or expedient.

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"Dernier" Quotes from Famous Books

... the lightning, the hot water and the sharks, and all the rest of the odd things happening, frightened the crew out of their wits. Some of them prayed out loud—I guess the first time they ever did in their lives. Some Frenchmen aboard kept running around and yelling, 'Cest le dernier jour!' (This is the last day.) We were all worried. Even the officers began to think that the world was coming to an end. Mighty strange things happen on the sea, but this ...
— The San Francisco Calamity • Various

... jour la visite d'un cardinal qui se plaignait de ce que Michel-Ange l'avait represente en enfer dans son tableau du jugement dernier. "Si Michel-Ange, lui dit le pape, vous avait mis en purgatoire, je pourrais vous en tirer; mais il vous a mis en enter: mon pouvoir ne s'etend pas la." Il faut prendre garde de s'attirer la rancune ...
— French Conversation and Composition • Harry Vincent Wann

... [Footnote 326: Samedy dernier Elizabeth fut tiree de la Tour et menee a Richmond; et dois ledict Richmond l'on l'a conduit a Woodstock pour y estre gardee surement jusques l'on la fasse aller a Pomfret. Et s'est resjouy le peuple de sa departye, pensant qu'elle fut en ...
— The Reign of Mary Tudor • James Anthony Froude

... le seul chagrin etait d'etre brule en si mauvaise compagnie. Nonobstant toutes ces refutations, il parait tous les jours quelques nouveaux ouvrages impies, au point que je suis tres surpris que la recolte ait ete si bonne dans le royaume. En dernier lieu on vient de publier un ouvrage sous le titre de Droit des souverains sur les biens du clerge, qui, sans contenir des impietes n'en est pas moins deplaisant pour cela: Il va droit a la cuisine, et veut que pour liquider la dette nationale on vende tous les biens ecclesiastiques et que ...
— Baron d'Holbach • Max Pearson Cushing

... "Le Dernier Jour d'un Condamne," I read aloud with careful slowness. "Ah, indeed! You do well to read that. It ...
— Vendetta - A Story of One Forgotten • Marie Corelli

... slave will remain after the President's idea (which he don't seem to condemn) is expanded and reduced to practice. He favors sending out a commissioner to Europe for aid, on the basis of emancipation, etc., as a dernier ressort. He thinks our cause has received most injury from Congress, of which he is ...
— A Rebel War Clerk's Diary at the Confederate States Capital • John Beauchamp Jones

... ferai entrer tout de suite dans une grande cour de gazon ou effectivement je voudrois bien vous voir. Deux manieses de Perrons y conduisent, l'un aux appartemens, l'autre a la cuisine. Commencons par ce dernier quoique ce ne ...
— A Year's Journey through France and Part of Spain, Volume II (of 2) • Philip Thicknesse

... et sur ma levre ardente Brule encor ton dernier baiser. Entre mes bras, chere imprudente Ton beau front vient de reposer. Sens-tu mon coeur, comme il palpite? Le ...
— God's Good Man • Marie Corelli

... "Samedi dernier je suis alle d'abord chez Mr. Stephen Pearce que j'ai trouve chez lui; c'est un homme parfaitement comme il faut; il m'a recu bien cordialement et il m'a invite a diner demain. J'ai dine chez Mrs. Leslie hier et j'ai passe tout ...
— Philip Gilbert Hamerton • Philip Gilbert Hamerton et al

... reprint his "Essay on Revolutions," published in London under the Directory. In "L'Itineraire de Paris a Jerusalem" he is compelled to cut out "a good deal of declamation on courts, courtiers and certain features calculated to excite misplaced allusions." The censorship interdicts the "Dernier des Abencerrages," where" it finds too warm an interest in the Spanish cause." One must read the entire register to see it at work and in detail, to feel the sinister and grotesque minutia with which it pursues and destroys, not alone among great or petty writers but, again, among compilers ...
— The Origins of Contemporary France, Volume 6 (of 6) - The Modern Regime, Volume 2 (of 2) • Hippolyte A. Taine

... brick dwelling, with offices, out-houses, and a palisadoed garden, in all of which a stout resistance might be made. On this brick house, Stewart had already cast his eyes, as the means of saving his army in any 'dernier' necessity. The house was of two stories, and abundantly strong to resist small arms. Its windows commanded all the open space around. Major Sheridan was ordered to throw himself into it, with his command, in case of an unfavorable issue ...
— The Life of Francis Marion • William Gilmore Simms

... about a battle-ship that is not known before her keel is laid, or even before the signing of the contracts. At any rate, when it is asserted that the plans represent the dernier cri in some form of war preparation, it is well to remember that a 'last cry' is last only until there is a later. Naval secrets are few, anyway, and as it takes some years to apply them, this loss cannot be of superlative value to any one. Still, ...
— The Dream Doctor • Arthur B. Reeve

... for all questions in Arithmetique almost, but it must be some use that must make me perfect in it. So home to supper and to bed, with my mind 'un peu troubled pour ce que fait' to-day, but I hope it will be 'la dernier de toute ma vie.' ...
— Diary of Samuel Pepys, Complete • Samuel Pepys

... ... y a si vivement procede, que ayant ordonne que sur la foy de l'un et de l'autre nous nous entreveorions en l'Isle aux Bouviers, joignant presque les murs de ceste ville, dimenche dernier cela fut execute." Conde to Sir Thomas Smith, Orleans, March ...
— History of the Rise of the Huguenots - Volume 2 • Henry Baird

... Voici l'etoille du berger." —"Ma mere, un enfant du village Languit captif chez l'etranger; Pris sur mer, loin de sa patrie, Il c'est rendu,—mais le dernier." File, file, pauvre Marie, Pour secourir le prisonnier; File, file, pauvre Marie, File, ...
— Castle Nowhere • Constance Fenimore Woolson

... into the basse cour, in order to sally forth; and having called for my bill—as it was uncertain whether I should return to my inn, I had paid it—had moreover given the maid ten sous, and was just receiving the dernier compliments of Monsieur Le Blanc, for a pleasant voyage down the Rhone—when I was stopped at ...
— The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman • Laurence Sterne

... no, my child. Five of the seven verses were written off-hand; the other two took a week,—that is, were hanging round the desk in a ragged, forlorn, unrhymed condition as long as that. All poets will tell you just such stories. C'est le DERNIER pas qui coute. Don't you know how hard it is for some people to get out of a room after their visit is really over? They want to be off, and you want to have them off, but they don't know how to ...
— The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table • Oliver Wendell Holmes

... them naively and innocently, as a child might admire a beautiful Epinal engraving; she would willingly have cut out their likenesses to hang on a nail on her wall, and contemplate while rereading "Gonzalve de Cordue" and "Le Dernier des Cavaliers," her two favourite romances. At Bergun, during the repast, her brain had been working, and she had made two reflections. The first was, that the trout of Albula were incomparable, the second that the stranger seated opposite her had a remarkably handsome head, and was altogether ...
— Samuel Brohl & Company • Victor Cherbuliez

... les services que vous lui avez rendus, et combien de reconnaissance je vous dois en particulier. C'est a mon instance que vous avez prolonge d'un an votre sejour en Grece. Dans cet espace, et surtout dans l'ete dernier, la peste et les maladies qui vinrent augmenter nos malheurs et nos souffrances, vous ont fourni l'occasion de co-operer par un noble denouement a l'accomplissement des mesures sanitaires qui a l'aide de la Providence ont conjure les manx majeurs, ...
— The Life of Thomas, Lord Cochrane, Tenth Earl of Dundonald, Vol. II • Thomas Lord Cochrane

... robes, and other ensigns of authority. They administer justice, having the power of life and death, not only through the whole county of Nice, but causes are evoked from Oneglia, and some other places, to their tribunal, which is the dernier ressort, from whence there is no appeal. The commandant, however, by virtue of his military power and unrestricted authority, takes upon him to punish individuals by imprisonment, corporal pains, and banishment, without consulting the senate, or indeed, observing any form ...
— Travels Through France and Italy • Tobias Smollett

... du 26 du mois dernier, vous reclamez la liberte de Thomas Faine, comme Citoyen americain. Ne en Angleterre, cet ex-depute est devenu successivement Citoyen Americain et Citoyen francais. En acceptant ce dernier titre et en remplissant une place dans le ...
— The Writings Of Thomas Paine, Complete - With Index to Volumes I - IV • Thomas Paine

... Magazine Dernier Cri Detective Story Magazine Los Angeles Times Queen's Work Saucy Stories Top-Notch Magazine Woman's World ...
— The Best Short Stories of 1917 - and the Yearbook of the American Short Story • Various

... the books out the back window and packs our trunk and takes the 6 o'clock Tortoise Flyer for Crow Knob, a kind of a dernier resort in the mountains on the line of Tennessee and ...
— The Gentle Grafter • O. Henry

... old-rose-and-gold drawing-room upstairs, an apartment in which great taste was displayed in decoration, and there several of the ladies sang or recited. One of them, a vivacious young Frenchwoman, was induced to give Barrois's romance, "J'ai vu fleurir notre dernier lilas!" ...
— The Doctor of Pimlico - Being the Disclosure of a Great Crime • William Le Queux

... dernier. We must confess that this time it is 'our' rather bad American who laughs last," said my sarcastic friend. "And did you notice the expression on his face at ...
— The Shield • Various

... fois, et violee sept fois seulement; encore dois-je dire que cinq de ces violations se rencontrent dans une meme charte, celle du mois de mai 1278, qui n'est connue que par une copie faite au siecle dernier. Si l'on fait abstraction de ce texte, il reste deux violations contre huit cent trente-cinq observations de la regle. La regle du sujet pluriel est observee cinq cent quartre-vingt-huit fois, et violee six fois: ce qui donne au total quatorze cent vingt-trois ...
— Chips From A German Workshop. Vol. III. • F. Max Mueller

... reconnaissante ouvre assez grand son coeur pour les contenir tous, les plus humbles comme les plus illustres, les heros tombes avec gloire a qui l'on prepare des monuments de marbre et de bronze et qui vivront dans l'histoire, et les simples qui rendirent leur dernier souffle en pensant ...
— Defenders of Democracy • The Militia of Mercy

... great novelist-the idol of women, even at seventy-the Voltaire of our age, as he was accustomed to style himself in private—the historian of society—French society—as it is. The author of Le Peau de Chagrin, Le Physiologie du Marriage, Le Dernier Chauan, Eugene Grandet, and the Scenes de la Vie Parisienne, and Scenes de la Vie de Province, was one of the marks of the era, and being dead, we will speculate upon him. At present we can only translate for the International the following funeral oration by Victor Hugo, pronounced ...
— International Miscellany of Literature, Art and Science, Vol. 1, - No. 3, Oct. 1, 1850 • Various

... Alphonse. By the way, we'll have him in our service. There was he plucking at me: "Monsieur Henri-Richie, Monsieur Henri-Richie! mille complimens . . . et les potages, Monsieur!—a la Camerani, a la tortue, aux petits pois . . . c'est en vrai artiste que j'ai su tout retarder jusqu'au dernier moment . . . . Monsieur! cher Monsieur Henri-Richie, je vous en supplie, laissez-la, ces planteurs de choux." And John Thresher, as spokesman for the rest: "Master Harry, we beg to say, in my name, we can't masticate comfortably while we've got a notion ...
— The Shaving of Shagpat • George Meredith

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