"Decretal" Quotes from Famous Books
... praetextu consuetudinis in ecclesiis vel per clericos fieri non debent." Decretal of Innocent III., year 1207, included by Gregory IX. in his "Compilatio." Richter and Friedberg, "Corpus Juris Canonici," Leipzig, ... — A Literary History of the English People - From the Origins to the Renaissance • Jean Jules Jusserand
... when dealing with the legitimacy of commercial profits, to the difficulty which was felt in admitting the justice of compensation for risk, on account of the Gregorian Decretal on the subject. The same decree gave rise to the same difficulty in connection with the justification of a recompense for periculum sortis. There was a serious dispute about the actual wording of the decree, and even those who agreed as to its wording differed as to its interpretation.[1] ... — An Essay on Mediaeval Economic Teaching • George O'Brien |