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Crystallize   Listen
Crystallize  v. t.  (past & past part. crystallized; pres. part. crystallizing)  To cause to form crystals, or to assume the crystalline form.

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"Crystallize" Quotes from Famous Books

... filtrates from the calcium precipitates until the salts begin to crystallize, but do !not! evaporate to dryness (Note 1). Dilute the solution cautiously until the salts are brought into solution, adding a little acid if the solution has evaporated to very small volume. The solution should be carefully ...
— An Introductory Course of Quantitative Chemical Analysis - With Explanatory Notes • Henry P. Talbot

... method everywhere, even in such a case as hers—even where his purpose, that is to say, is pictorial, to give the sense of a various and vivacious background—is forced to crystallize and formulate his characters very sharply, if they are to make their effect; it is why he is so often reduced to the expedient of labelling his people with a trick or a phrase, which they have to bring with them every time they ...
— The Craft of Fiction • Percy Lubbock

... the ensign at the peak of the frigate Portsmouth. Interior wanderings give him a glimpse of the vast areas controlled by this noble sheet of water. Young and ardent, with a superior education, he may be a ruling spirit of the new State now about to crystallize. His studies prove how strangely the finger of Fortune points. It turned aside the prows of Captain Cook, La Perouse, Vancouver, and the great Behring, as well as the bold Drake, who tarried within a day's sail at his New Albion. Frenchman, Englishman, and ...
— The Little Lady of Lagunitas • Richard Henry Savage

... to crystallize modern knowledge and to establish in courts the right to protection against the evils of patent medicines. The national Pure Food Law, passed January 1, 1907, and now in force throughout the country, requires on the "labels of all proprietary medicines entering into interstate commerce, ...
— Civics and Health • William H. Allen

... that seemed to crystallize into definite purpose what had been muddling his mind with vague impulses to let his mood find expression. He would go to Alpine that day. He would hunt up Frank and see if he couldn't jar him into showing that he had a mind of his own. Twice since that first unexpected ...
— Cabin Fever • B. M. Bower

... now any more than a Hindoo can read the "Gayatri" as a fair man and lover of truth should do. When society has once fairly dissolved the New Testament, which it never has done yet, it will perhaps crystallize it over again in ...
— The Professor at the Breakfast Table • Oliver Wendell Holmes (Sr.)

... the one impulse needed to crystallize these disconnected facts into one comprehensible whole. The connecting link was everywhere common descent, difference was due to the continual variation and divergence of their ancestors. The classification, which all were seeking, ...
— The Whence and the Whither of Man • John Mason Tyler

... superdense matter, condensed states of matter; dwarf star, neutron star. V. be dense &c adj.; become solid, render solid &c adj.; solidify, solidate^; concrete, set, take a set, consolidate, congeal, coagulate; curd, curdle; lopper; fix, clot, cake, candy, precipitate, deposit, cohere, crystallize; petrify &c (harden) 323. condense, thicken, gel, inspissate^, incrassate^; compress, squeeze, ram down, constipate. Adj. dense, solid; solidified &c v.; caseous; pukka^; coherent, cohesive &c 46; compact, close, serried, thickset; substantial, massive, lumpish^; impenetrable, ...
— Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases: Body • Roget

... fellows was especially blessed with a voice; and the various Gertrudes and Adeles that met with us were assuredly without any marked sanction to vocalize. Possibly the "sing" was the mere outcome of youthful exuberance and of the tendency of young and eager molecules to crystallize into what came, later, to be ...
— On the Stairs • Henry B. Fuller

... very strong, and corked up when it was hot, and kept without agitation till it became cold, as you may feel the phial is. Now when I take out the cork and let the air fall upon it, (for being closed when boiling, there was a vacuum in the upper part) observe that the salt will suddenly crystallize. . ...
— Conversations on Chemistry, V. 1-2 • Jane Marcet

... superdense matter, condensed states of matter; dwarf star, neutron star. V. be dense &c. adj.; become solid, render solid &c. adj.; solidify, solidate[obs3]; concrete, set, take a set, consolidate, congeal, coagulate; curd, curdle; lopper; fix, clot, cake, candy, precipitate, deposit, cohere, crystallize; petrify &c. (harden) 323. condense, thicken, gel, inspissate[obs3], incrassate[obs3]; compress, squeeze, ram down, constipate. Adj. dense, solid; solidified &c. v.; caseous; pukka[obs3]; coherent, cohesive &c. 46; compact, close, serried, thickset; substantial, ...
— Roget's Thesaurus

... its course, as we have seen, the Elizabethan adventurous energy and half-naif greatness of spirit had more and more disappeared. With the coming of Charles II the various tendencies which had been replacing these forces seemed to crystallize into their almost complete opposites. This was true to a large extent throughout the country; but it was especially true of London and the Court party, to which literature of most sorts was now to be perhaps more nearly limited ...
— A History of English Literature • Robert Huntington Fletcher

... of Dredge's course. As Lanfear himself had said, his theory was safe enough till somebody found a more attractive one; and before that day Dredge would probably have accumulated sufficient proof to crystallize the ...
— Tales Of Men And Ghosts • Edith Wharton

... occur to Selma that there was any inconsistency in these observations, or that they might appear a partial vindication of her husband's point of view. The most salient effect of her encounter with Flossy had been suddenly to fuse and crystallize her mixed and seemingly contradictory ambitions into utter hostility to conventional fashionable society. Even when her heart had been hungering for an invitation to Flossy's ball, she considered that ...
— Unleavened Bread • Robert Grant

... Man is not bigoted. When there is nothing better to eat than meat, he eats meat, as, for instance, when in jail or on shipboard and the nuts and fruits give out. Nor does he seem to crystallize into anything except sunburn. ...
— The Cruise of the Snark • Jack London

... that the formation of obscure dreams proceeds as if a person had something to say which must be agreeable for another person upon whom he is dependent to hear. It is by the use of this image that we figure to ourselves the conception of the dream distortion and of the censorship, and ventured to crystallize our impression in a rather crude, but at least definite, psychological theory. Whatever explanation the future may offer of these first and second procedures, we shall expect a confirmation of our correlate that the second procedure commands the entrance ...
— Dream Psychology - Psychoanalysis for Beginners • Sigmund Freud

... this earth I made a lixivium. Near half a pint did yield upon evaporation a quarter of an ounce wanting two graines. Of the remainder of the lixivium, which was more than a pint, I evaporated almost all to crystallize in a cellar. The liquor turned very red, and the crystalls being putt on a red hott iron flew away immediately, like saltpetre, leaving behind a very little quantity of something that look'd like burnt allum. ...
— The Natural History of Wiltshire • John Aubrey

... earnest desire for travel shown in this letter it will be seen later how the restless aspirations of childhood, boyhood, and youth, which were, after all, only a latent love of research, crystallize into the concentrated purpose of the man who could remain for months shut up in his study, leaving his microscope only to eat and sleep,—a life as sedentary as ever was lived ...
— Louis Agassiz: His Life and Correspondence • Louis Agassiz

... does not crystallize the right proportion of sugar must be added to the juice. To make jelly that is not tough or unpleasantly sour, the right proportion of sugar ...
— Every Step in Canning • Grace Viall Gray

... spirit may be in a position to extend its search, doing so with knowledge and understanding. What is imperative is that we should investigate to what degree the higher animals have been dowered with sensibility, and to what extent this can be utilized: whether it can crystallize—so to speak—into what is known to us as thought. My own work of investigation was undertaken in a spirit entirely devoid of prejudice; and what I have so far discovered I now place in the hands of the reader, asking him to bring the same unbiased ...
— Lola - The Thought and Speech of Animals • Henny Kindermann

... (706. 740.); but there are not many metallic solutions that answer this purpose well: for unless the metal is easily precipitated, hydrogen will be evolved at the cathode and vitiate the result. If a soluble peroxide is formed at the anode, or if the precipitated metal crystallize across the solution and touch the positive electrode, similar vitiated results are obtained. I expect to find in some salts, as the acetates of mercury and zinc, solutions ...
— Experimental Researches in Electricity, Volume 1 • Michael Faraday

... Canada and the other parts of the Empire did not become the central issue in any political campaign. Until late in the period now under survey they aroused little systematic public discussion. There were few acute episodes to crystallize the filial sentiment for the motherland which existed in the country. Yet throughout these years that readjustment in the relations between the colonies and the mother country, which is perhaps the most significant political development of the century, was steadily proceeding. Steadily ...
— The Day of Sir Wilfrid Laurier - A Chronicle of Our Own Time • Oscar D. Skelton

... every Japanese mind reveals the lines of that antique mould by which the ancestral mind was compressed and limited. It is impossible to understand Japanese psychology without knowing something of the laws that helped to form it,—or, rather, to crystallize ...
— Japan: An Attempt at Interpretation • Lafcadio Hearn

... All at once a new idea began to crystallize in my mind. It was a curious idea, a ridiculous idea, and ...
— Kent Knowles: Quahaug • Joseph C. Lincoln

... lukewarm water to remove adherent soda, and then dissolved in hot alcohol. The alcoholic solution is saturated with nitric acid, which has been previously diluted with half its volume of water, and the whole set aside for a few days to crystallize. The crystals of conchinamine nitrate are purified by recrystallization from boiling water. On dissolving these pure crystals of the nitrate in hot alcohol of 60 per cent., and adding ammonia, absolute pure conchinamine ...
— Scientific American Supplement, No. 315, January 14, 1882 • Various

... questions. Several times he gathered up half a dozen of these acquaintances for frugal dinners in the University Club rathskeller, or they met in the saloon affected by Allen's friends of Lueders's carpenter shop. He wanted them to see all sides of the picture, and he encouraged them to crystallize their fears and hopes; more patriotism and less partisanship, they all agreed, was the ...
— A Hoosier Chronicle • Meredith Nicholson

... appearances of snow and frost are imitated in a variety of ways. Pounded white sugar; alum powdered, or put on boiling, and suffered to crystallize; borax, two parts, alum, four parts, burnt in a shovel over the fire; and various other crystalline preparations. Nothing, however, is half so good as using best S.F. plaster of Paris mixed with powdered "glass frosting"—bought from ...
— Practical Taxidermy • Montagu Browne

... ritual. But this does not mean that it is African in origin. It seems to me more likely that it is to be interpreted as a very simple and natural expression of group emotion, which is just beginning to crystallize and assume a formal character. The general tone of these meetings is that of a religious revival in which we expect a free and uncontrolled expression of religious emotion, the difference being that in this case the expression of the excitement is beginning to assume ...
— The Journal of Negro History, Volume 4, 1919 • Various

... common salt crystallize in the form of cubes, and saltpetre in the shape of six-sided prisms? We see no reason why it should not have been just the other way, salt in prisms and saltpetre in cubes, or why either should take an exact geometrical outline, any more than ...
— Medical Essays • Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.

... great, though, by God's good Providence, not unmitigated, evil in a political point of view; and much of the error in faith or practice on the part of Christians of those days, seems traceable to the tendency on the part of Rome to crystallize opinions into dogmas, and then to impose those dogmas on the Church. Thus the "Romish doctrine concerning purgatory," and the mechanism of "pardons," or indulgences, grew out of the floating belief held by such holy men as St. Augustine, that the souls of the faithful would undergo some more ...
— A Key to the Knowledge of Church History (Ancient) • John Henry Blunt

... winter's keener breath began To crystallize the Baltic ocean, To glaze the lakes, to bridle up the floods, And periwig with ...
— Among My Books - First Series • James Russell Lowell

... land of instability, the fires which have been kindled by German bad faith and duplicity may break into a conflagration. There is no danger at the present time—there is danger that before the year is out public dissatisfaction and unrest may crystallize and Germany be faced with the most colossal guerilla war the world has seen; and while warfare of this kind cannot defeat Germany, it can neutralize many divisions of German troops and pin them down to the eastern front while ...
— World's War Events, Volume III • Various

... of this man Pitt—his last large words, As I may prophesy—that ring to-night In their first mintage to the feasters here, Will spread with ageing, lodge, and crystallize, And stand embedded in the English tongue Till it grow thin, outworn, and cease to be.— So is't ordained by That Which all ordains; For words were never winged with apter grace. Or blent with happier choice of ...
— The Dynasts - An Epic-Drama Of The War With Napoleon, In Three Parts, - Nineteen Acts, And One Hundred And Thirty Scenes • Thomas Hardy

... These fatty acids crystallize on cooling, in a most characteristic and beautiful way, forming wavy circular plates totally unlike any that I ...
— Scientific American Supplement, No. 488, May 9, 1885 • Various

... all reasonable and fair enough, until they come to the passage through the Red Sea: there faith stumbles and falls. But we must never forget that all things, not self-contradictory, are possible with God. It is just as possible and easy for him to crystallize the billows of an ocean as to freeze a drop of dew on a blade of grass. At the command of Moses they enter this avenue through the deep, walled by the waves, and roofed by the sky. Surely no eyes but theirs ever witnessed ...
— Life and Labors of Elder John Kline, the Martyr Missionary - Collated from his Diary by Benjamin Funk • John Kline

... that he was like a persistent, strong creature tethered. It was really intolerable. The jarring was torture to her. She looked over the silent, attentive class that seemed to have crystallized into order and rigid, neutral form. This he had it in his power to do, to crystallize the children into hard, mute fragments, fixed under his will: his brute will, which fixed ...
— The Rainbow • D. H. (David Herbert) Lawrence

... a gray winter day, with a cold wind from the river, but I felt glowing and stimulated and alive, seeing the future crystallize and grow definite again. You can't imagine the wearing depression of ...
— Trapped in 'Black Russia' - Letters June-November 1915 • Ruth Pierce

... eyes passed on to rest on Catie, though, that Scott felt certain doubts, lately risen up within him, crystallize and solidify past all gainsaying. Outwardly, Opdyke's manner was respect itself; but there was an odd little twinkle in his eyes, as he gazed down on the top of Catie's flower-strewn hat, now tipped coquettishly askew as the girl turned her head ...
— The Brentons • Anna Chapin Ray

... speechless, and Henry was coughing diligently. The service was placed on the piano; Henry touched the cool smoothness of a cream-jug, and tried to crystallize ...
— Rope • Holworthy Hall

... sunlight shining in shaft-like lines from a rift in a slaty cloud. Emotions will attach themselves to scenes that are simultaneous—however foreign in essence these scenes may be—as chemical waters will crystallize on twigs and wires. Even after that time any mental agony brought less vividly to Cytherea's mind the scene from the Town Hall windows than sunlight ...
— Desperate Remedies • Thomas Hardy

... road business is a necessary thing. Bloomfield needs a good road—all the way into the city. Something to put her on the map. Maybe with a good road we can get somewhere." Speaking out the idea seemed to crystallize it. He began to enthuse a little over it inwardly. "Mightn't be so bad. Might buy back the old place even, some day. Jenkins is not makin' too much ...
— Stubble • George Looms

... no Middle Age precedents to crystallize into established customs, the treatment accorded the insane had seldom or never sunk to this level. Partly for this reason, perhaps, the work of Dr. Rush at the Philadelphia Hospital, in 1784, by means of ...
— A History of Science, Volume 4(of 5) • Henry Smith Williams

... their light, as the earth derives its light from the sun. This firmament saves the earth from being engulfed by the waters of the heavens; it forms the partition between the waters above and the waters below.[45] It was made to crystallize into the solid it is by the heavenly fire, which broke its bounds, and condensed the surface of the firmament. Thus fire made a division between the celestial and the terrestrial at the time of creation, as it did at the revelation on Mount Sinai.[46] The firmament is not more than three fingers ...
— The Legends of the Jews Volume 1 • Louis Ginzberg

... realize how constantly the scenes which he is describing group themselves around religious observances, how often men are held in check from deeds of violence by religious conception. Many of these scenes crystallize around a Scriptural event. Scott's boyhood was spent in scenes that reminded him of the power the Scripture had. He was drilled from his childhood in the knowledge of its words and phrases, and while his writing as a whole ...
— The Greatest English Classic A Study of the King James Version of • Cleland Boyd McAfee

... he wrote a treatise showing the Colonies that they must be united, and this was the first public word that was to grow and crystallize and become the United States of America. Before that, the Colonies were simply single, independent, jealous and bickering overgrown clans. Franklin showed for the first time that they ...
— Little Journeys To the Homes of the Great, Volume 3 (of 14) • Elbert Hubbard

Words linked to "Crystallize" :   shed light on, elucidate, crystalize, straighten out, natural philosophy, solidify, form, effloresce, change integrity, crystal, clarify, clear, shape, physics, devitrify, enlighten, crystallizing, clear up, illuminate, crystalise

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