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Clot   Listen
Clot  n.  A concretion or coagulation; esp. a soft, slimy, coagulated mass, as of blood; a coagulum. "Clots of pory gore." "Doth bake the egg into clots as if it began to poach." Note: Clod and clot appear to be radically the same word, and are so used by early writers; but in present use clod is applied to a mass of earth or the like, and clot to a concretion or coagulation of soft matter.

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"Clot" Quotes from Famous Books

... di kynnivyn clot En amwyn tywyssen gordirot O haedot en gelwit redyrch gwyr not Oed dor diachor diachor din drei Oed mynut wrth olut ae kyrchei Oed dinas e vedin ae cretei Ny elwit ...
— Y Gododin - A Poem on the Battle of Cattraeth • Aneurin

... world; and it would be unjust to send them to a world of woe. Some were idiots from their birth, and so have acquired no evil propensities of which to be divested. In other cases the idiocy was simply due to a clot on the brain. They have left their bodies behind them now, and the clot too. They simply begin at the point where their reason deserted them; and it will come back ...
— Love's Final Victory • Horatio

... that small Beer which is made entirely from fresh Malt, before any other that is brewed after strong Beer or Ale. Now to brew such Guile small Beer after the boiling water has stood in the Tub till it is clear, put in the Malt leisurely, and mash it that it does not Ball or Clot, then throw over some fresh Malt on the Top, and Cloths over that, and let it stand two Hours before it is drawn off, the next water may be between hot and cold, the next boiling hot, and the next Cold; or if conveniency allows not, there may ...
— The London and Country Brewer • Anonymous

... heaved in a final convulsion, and, despite the rope, kicked out with all his last strength. A tablespoonful of black clot came forth, the trickling of red blood having ceased for ...
— Jude the Obscure • Thomas Hardy

... wrapped up in mystery, that it became all important to clear it up; and the sailors themselves opened at once a kind of court of inquest. Some hairs, and a clot of blood, which were discovered on an enormous block, seemed to explain the riddle. It would seem that the rope to which this enormous block was fastened had slipped out of the hands of one of the sailors who were engaged ...
— The Clique of Gold • Emile Gaboriau

... Their companion's head struck against the upper part of the broken rudder with a horrible crack, and was smashed like a cocoa-nut by a sledge-hammer. He sunk directly, leaving no trace but a red stain on the water, and a white clot on the jagged rudder, and a death cry ringing in their ears, as they drifted clear under the lee of the black hull. The friar uttered a short Latin prayer for the safety of his soul, and took his ...
— The Cloister and the Hearth • Charles Reade

... this, those after-dinners at the Trois Freres, when the Scotch-plaided snuff-box went round, and the dry Lundy-Foot tickled its way along into our happy sensoria? Then it was that the Chambertin or the Clot Vougeot came in, slumbering in its straw cradle. And one among you,—do you remember how he would have a bit of ice always in his Burgundy, and sit tinkling it against the sides of the bubble-like glass, saying that he was hearing ...
— Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 1, No. 4, February, 1858 • Various

... that time were curious. Phlebitis had set in, and for a time I was in serious danger from the formation of a clot of blood in one of the arteries. As is pretty generally known, whilst this state of things exists death may occur at any moment from the stoppage of the heart through the clot getting free and passing ...
— Memoirs of Sir Wemyss Reid 1842-1885 • Stuart J. Reid, ed.

... of the struggle was plain. The brush was trampled. To one side of the trail there was a clot of blood, almost black, with flies buzzing attention to it. It must have come from Grit. He caught sight of another fleck of it on some leaves where Grit had raced into the brush out of the way of ...
— Rimrock Trail • J. Allan Dunn

... course of healing some variation takes place in the appearance of the apertures, especially that of entry. This, at first contracted, later becomes somewhat relaxed, while in many cases a small halo of ecchymosis develops around it. The blood-clot occupying its centre now contracts, the margins rapidly become approximated centripetally, and a small circular dark spot only remains, which is later replaced by a small red cicatrix. The dark central ...
— Surgical Experiences in South Africa, 1899-1900 • George Henry Makins

... to recover herself of the great fatigue she underwent during her travail, and that she may lie the more easily let her hands and body be a little raised, that she may breathe more freely, and cleanse the better, especially of that blood which then comes away, that so it may not clot, which ...
— The Works of Aristotle the Famous Philosopher • Anonymous

... mortem' examination was made two hours after death. The cavity of the pericardium contained a red clot of blood, which enveloped the whole of the heart; it was thicker in the parts that corresponded with the valve of the heart; and on the left ventricle, and near the base of the left valve of the heart, and on the external part of that viscus, ...
— The Dog - A nineteenth-century dog-lovers' manual, - a combination of the essential and the esoteric. • William Youatt

... Doctor DePage operate at this hospital. I was put into a uniform, and watched a piece of shell taken from a man's brain and a great blood clot evacuated. Except for the red cross on each window and the rattle of the sash under the guns, I might have been in one of the leading American hospitals and war a century away. There were the same white uniforms ...
— Kings, Queens And Pawns - An American Woman at the Front • Mary Roberts Rinehart

... less annoying to us since we are its victims. The swelling produced after the bite is the result of the action of the saliva the mosquito injected into the wound. The opening through the tongue is so small that blood would readily clot inside the tube and prevent its further usefulness, did not the mosquito inject the secretion of its salivary glands into the wound. This acts upon the blood in such a way as to ...
— The Meaning of Evolution • Samuel Christian Schmucker

... called respectively the "glosso-kinaesthetic" (sense of movement of tongue) and the "cheiro-kinaesthetic" (sense of movement of hand) centres. Now a person may become hemiplegic and lose his speech owing either to the blood clotting in a diseased vessel, or to detachment of a small clot from the heart, which, swept into the circulation, may plug one of the arteries of the brain. The arteries branch and supply different regions, consequently a limited portion of the great brain may undergo destruction, ...
— The Brain and the Voice in Speech and Song • F. W. Mott

... years the spire and all its elaborate tracery will have become obsolete and effaced for all artistic purposes. The atmosphere of London will have performed its inevitable function. Every 'scroll work' and 'pinnacle' will be a mere clot of soot, and the bronze gilt Virtues will represent nothing but swarthy denizens of the lower regions; the plumage of the angels will be converted into a sort of black-and-white check-work. 'All this fated transformation we see with the mind's eye as plainly as we see with those ...
— Normandy Picturesque • Henry Blackburn

... them Ratzel and Graebner [77]—have sought to account for certain resemblances in culture, between Malaysia, Polynesia, and America, by historical connection. A part of our material—such as that of the blood-clot child (p. 125), [78] the rape of the maiden by the vine which carries her to the sky (p. 33), the magic flight (p. 75), and magic growth (p. 38) [79]—may seem to lend support to such a theory. These similarities are assuredly suggestive and interesting, ...
— Traditions of the Tinguian: A Study in Philippine Folk-Lore • Fay-Cooper Cole

... a serious attack," he said, gravely, "but the poor fellow is young and has a splendid physique; if he can hold out long enough—until the clot is absorbed—he may recover. Is he a ...
— His Heart's Queen • Mrs. Georgie Sheldon

... inseparably connected with our physical life. The flow of the divine life-currents may be interrupted by a little clot of blood; the vital current may leak out ...
— Days of Heaven Upon Earth • Rev. A. B. Simpson

... of tossing pebbles, Uncle Sebastian chose to pick up a redwood splinter on which to whittle. He took out a slick-handled jackknife, blew a clot of pocket lint from the springs, opened a whetted pruning blade, and began shaving the brittle wood. His watery blue ...
— The She Boss - A Western Story • Arthur Preston Hankins

... Sumptuous central grain, This mutable witch, This one refrain, This laugh in the fight, This clot of ...
— Amores - Poems • D. H. Lawrence

... the nucleus of a colorless corpuscle enlarged, flattened, colored and liberated by the bursting of the wall of its cell. When blood is taken from an artery and allowed to remain at rest, it separates into two parts: a solid mass, called the clot, largely composed of fibrin; and a fluid known as the serum, in which the clot is suspended. This process is termed coagulation. The serum, mostly composed of albumen, is a transparent, straw-colored fluid, having ...
— The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English • R. V. Pierce

... Sex-limited inheritance of a similar nature is known for one or two ocular defects, and for several diseases of the nervous system. In the peculiarly male disease known as haemophilia the blood refuses to clot when shed, and there is nothing to prevent great loss from even a superficial scratch. In its general trend the inheritance of haemophilia is not unlike that of horns among sheep, and it is possible that we are here ...
— Mendelism - Third Edition • Reginald Crundall Punnett

... vindictive scribble of red Quick flame across, as if one said (The angry scribe of Judgment) 'There— Burn it!' And straight I was aware That the whole ribwork round, minute Cloud touching cloud beyond compute, Was tinted, each with its own spot Of burning at the core, till clot Jammed against clot, and spilt its fire Over all heaven, which 'gan suspire As fanned to measure equable,— Just so great conflagrations kill Night overhead, and rise and sink, Reflected. Now the fire would ...
— An Introduction to the Study of Browning • Arthur Symons

... the shadows of the spruce and watched Wolf in unbroken silence. The animal now stood rigidly over the blood clot. His head was level with his quivering back, his ears half aslant, his nostrils pointing to a strange thrilling scent that came to him from somewhere out there in the moonlight. Once more the instinct of his breed was flooding the soul of the ...
— The Wolf Hunters - A Tale of Adventure in the Wilderness • James Oliver Curwood

... of pyaemia are clearly explained when the surgeon remembers that they are simply due to a softened blood clot containing pus-causing germs being carried through the circulation and lodged in some ...
— Scientific American Supplement, No. 810, July 11, 1891 • Various

... what I'll do, though. Why don't you get on at some automobile factory, and then you could ring in as a chauffeur, soon 's you got some recommends you could take to the Y. M. C. A. employment bureau." The washer gouged at a clot of ice with his heel, swore profusely, and went on: "Here. You go over to the Lodestar Motor Company's office, over on La Salle, Monday, and ask for Bill Coogan, on the sales end. He's me cousin, and you tell him to give ...
— The Trail of the Hawk - A Comedy of the Seriousness of Life • Sinclair Lewis

... at a slow pace, rode a cavalryman wearing a gray uniform, with a sergeant's chevrons, and mounted on a steed good in his day, but whose day was gone. A great clot of blood had gathered on his broad white chest, where a bayonet had thrust him deep. Despite his exhaustion, he moved forward at the urgency of his rider's heel and hand. The soldier held a long, heavy ...
— The Lost Guidon - 1911 • Charles Egbert Craddock (AKA Mary Noailles Murfree)

... So I expound it that it all coheres; For if, the self-same spot that I left leaving, The snake was then wrapt in my swaddling clothes, And sucked the very breast that nourished me, And mixed the sweet milk with a clot of blood, And she in terror wailed the strange event, So must she, as that monster dread she nourished, Die cruel death: and I, thus serpentised, Am here to slay her, as this dream portends; I take thee ...
— Story of Orestes - A Condensation of the Trilogy • Richard G. Moulton

... the realms of Night, dire Demon, hence! Thy chain of adamant can bind That little world, the human mind, And sink its noblest powers to impotence. Wake the lion's loudest roar, Clot his shaggy mane with gore, With flashing fury bid his eye-balls shine; Meek is his savage, sullen soul, to thine! Thy touch, thy deadening touch has steel'd the breast, [Footnote 2] Whence, thro' her April-shower, soft Pity smil'd; ...
— Poems • Samuel Rogers

... Creed Haymond he was witty?—who Had nothing better in this world to do? Could no greased pig's appeal to his embrace Kindle his ardor for the friendly chase? Did no dead dog upon a vacant lot, Bloated and bald, or curdled in a clot, Stir his compassion and inspire his arms To hide from human eyes ...
— Black Beetles in Amber • Ambrose Bierce

... be in ill repute forever with Medb and with the nobles of the four grand provinces of Erin." "A pity it is, O Ferdiad," said Cuchulain; "not on the counsel of all the men and women in the world would I desert thee or would I do thee harm. And almost would it make a clot of gore of my heart ...
— The Ancient Irish Epic Tale Tain Bo Cualnge • Unknown

... door! Would that the key had been lost, or that I had never set foot in this abominable house! Hastily I refastened the door, hung up the rusty key in its niche, and rushed into my own room, where I dropped into a chair with a deadly faintness creeping over me. I looked at my hand, where the clot of blood had fallen. It seemed to have burnt its way into my flesh, for it no longer appeared on the surface, but, where it had been was a round, purple mark, with an outer ring, like the scar of a burn. ...
— Dreams and Dream Stories • Anna (Bonus) Kingsford

... certainly menacing, breathing murder. As Kells had propounded his ideas, revealing his power to devise a remarkable scheme and his passion for gold, so Gulden struck out with the driving inhuman blood-lust that must have been the twist, the knot, the clot in his brain. Kells craved notoriety and gold; Gulden craved to kill. In the silence that followed his speech these wild border ruffians judged him, measured him, understood him, and though some of them ...
— The Border Legion • Zane Grey

... containing commandment and prohibition, promise and menace, anecdotes and similitudes, as the occasion called for it, in the course of twenty years.' (Q.) 'Which chapter was first revealed?' (A.) 'According to Ibn Abbas, that of the Clot of Blood,[FN282] and according to Jabir ben Abdallah,[FN283] that of the Covered [with a cloak].'[FN284] (Q.) 'Which verse was the last revealed?' (A.) 'That of Usury,[FN285] and it is said ...
— The Book Of The Thousand Nights And One Night, Volume IV • Anonymous

... 4. Separate the clot from the sides of the vessel by means of a sterile glass rod (the yield of serum is much smaller when this is not done), and place the cylinder in ...
— The Elements of Bacteriological Technique • John William Henry Eyre

... it made me quake to see Such sense within the slain! But when I touched the lifeless clay, The blood gush'd out amain! For every clot, a burning spot Was scorching in ...
— The Poetical Works of Thomas Hood • Thomas Hood

... of melting drifts, all the gravelly flats in a swirl of waters. But later, in June or July, when the camping season begins, there runs the stream away full and singing, with no visible reinforcement other than an icy trickle from some high, belated clot of snow. Oftenest the stream drops bodily from the bleak bowl of some alpine lake; sometimes breaks out of a hillside as a spring where the ear can trace it under the rubble of loose stones to the neighborhood of some blind pool. But that ...
— The Land Of Little Rain • Mary Hunter Austin

... and for making a sneak accordingly; and for getting lost and not staying lost he was nothing short of inspired. But when it came to work, the way that intelligence dribbled out of him and left him a mere clot of wobbling, stupid jelly would make ...
— Brown Wolf and Other Jack London Stories - Chosen and Edited By Franklin K. Mathiews • Jack London

Words linked to "Clot" :   clabber, lump, coagulum, glob, turn, homogenize, ball, chunk, coagulate, change state, embolus, change, coalesce, clod, blood clot, clot buster, clog, alter, homogenise, curdle

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