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Ait   Listen
Ait  n.  An islet, or little isle, in a river or lake; an eyot. "The ait where the osiers grew." "Among green aits and meadows."

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"Ait" Quotes from Famous Books

... smarts and sighs; beauty, duty; bosom, blossom; false one, farewell! To this pathetic strain they melted. Mrs. Mount, though strongly requested, declined to sing. She preserved her state. Under the tall aspens of Brentford-ait, and on they swept, the white moon in their wake. Richard's hand lay open by his side. Mrs. Mount's little white hand by misadventure fell into it. It was not pressed, or soothed for its fall, or made intimate with eloquent ...
— The Shaving of Shagpat • George Meredith

... clump of small trees in a thicket at Alstead Centre, N. H., has the characteristic spherical fruit of this species. P. nigra, Ait., with oblong, laterally flattened fruit, ...
— Handbook of the Trees of New England • Lorin Low Dame

... mie (pas) blanc comme Helaine, Non mie (pas) plourant comme Magdelaine, Non Argus (a cent yeux), mais du tout avugle (aveugle) Et aussi pesant comme un bugle (boeuf), Contre le pouce soit rebelle, Et qu'il ait ligneuse cotelle (epaisse croute) Sans yeux, sans plourer, non pas blanc, Tigneulx, ...
— Manners, Custom and Dress During the Middle Ages and During the Renaissance Period • Paul Lacroix

... saintisme! En l'oret punt asez i ad reliques. La dent saint Pierre e del sanc seint Basilie E des chevels mun seignur seint Denisie Del vestment i ad seinte Marie. Il nen est dreiz que paien te baillisent. De chrestiens devez estre servie. Ne vus ait hum ki facet cuardie! Mult larges terres de vus averai cunquises Que Carles tient ki la barbe ad flurie. E li emperere en est e ber ...
— Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres • Henry Adams

... a personne qui ait eu autant a souffrir a votre sujet que moi depuis ma naissance! aussi je vous supplie a deux genoux et au nom de Dien, d'avoir pitie de moi!"—Old ...
— Thelma • Marie Corelli

... imperator Sigismundus duas villas inter cteras Anglie scilicet Calisiam & Doueream ponens suos duos digitos super duos suos oculos ait regi: Frater custodite istas duas ...
— The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries - of the English Nation, v. 1, Northern Europe • Richard Hakluyt

... tres-cher, et meme a present, je ne puis penser a ce moment sans amertume, puisque malgre toutes les recherches et les peines que je me donnai pour la retrouver, il me fut impossible d'y reussir, el je n'ai que trop sujet de craindre qu'elle n'ait peri malheureusement."—Societe Imperiale d'Histoire de ...
— The Works of Lord Byron, Volume 6 • Lord Byron

... this once done, one may hope to come to a conclusion. Since I wrote to Lord Melbourne to-day, I have received a letter from the King, of the 19th, i.e. yesterday, in which he tells me, "Pourvu qu'il y ait, pour commencer, des negociations, cela me ...
— The Letters of Queen Victoria, Volume 1 (of 3), 1837-1843) • Queen Victoria

... L. Rubus arcticus L. Solidago multiradiata. Ait. Sanguisorba Canadensis L. Linnaea Americana, Forbes. Dasiphora fruticosa (L), Rydb. Chamnaerion latifolium (L), Sweet. Viburnum pancifloram, Pylaim. Viscaxia alpina (L), Roehl. Menyanthes trifoliata L. Vaznera trifolia (L), Morong. Ledum prostratum, Rotlb. Betula glandulosa, Michx. ...
— The Long Labrador Trail • Dillon Wallace

... caution, that now-a-days his reproaches cannot affect us. We are making ample amends for past negligence; for, to notice no others, the labours of those gentlemen who preside over the BRITISH MUSEUM abundantly prove our present industry. Thus speaks Senebier: 'Ill sembleroit d'abord etonnant qu'on ait tant trade a composer le Catalogue des Manuscripts de la Bibliotheque de Geneve; mais on peut faire plus raisonnablement ce reproche aux Bibliothecaires bien payes et uniquement occupes de leur vocation, ...
— Bibliomania; or Book-Madness - A Bibliographical Romance • Thomas Frognall Dibdin

... ut ait Ennius."[318] It is clear, then, that neither Varro nor Ennius understood this title of Ops and Terra in Dr. Frazer's sense of the word. The quotation from the early Christian father Lactantius, which contains three well-known lines of Lucilius, might possibly ...
— The Religious Experience of the Roman People - From the Earliest Times to the Age of Augustus • W. Warde Fowler

... ta ail? Has ta getten th' backwark, or th' heeadwark, or does ta feel wamly sometimes an' cannot ait?" ...
— Yorksher Puddin' - A Collection of the Most Popular Dialect Stories from the - Pen of John Hartley • John Hartley

... have, that he have, that we have, that ye have, that they have. Garde que tu aye, quil ait, que nous aions, que ...
— An Introductorie for to Lerne to Read, To Pronounce, and to Speke French Trewly • Anonymous

... sayth—on the brae-face just above your garden, Mr. Gourlay. Now, it would be easy to lead that water down and alang through all the gardenth on the high side of Main Street—and, 'deed, it might feed a pump at the Cross, too, to supply the lower portionth o' the town. It would really be a grai-ait convenience. Every man on the high side o' Main Street would have a running spout at his own back door! If your garden didna run tho far back, Mr. Gourlay, and ye hadna tho muckle land about your place"—that should fetch ...
— The House with the Green Shutters • George Douglas Brown

... capiti non posse pericula cano pellere, quin tepidum hoc optes audire 'decenter'. 'fur es', ait Pedio. Pedius quid? crimina rasis librat in antithetis, doctas posuisse figuras laudatur, 'bellum ...
— Post-Augustan Poetry - From Seneca to Juvenal • H.E. Butler

... fils! Parte enfant, il revient homme. Il a hate de se marier. Voila un autre sacrifice, et qui n'est pas le moins grand. Il faut qu'il en aime une autre; il faut que la mere, pour qui il est, et sera toujours le premier, n'ait en lui desormais que la seconde place—une place bien petite, helas! aux moments de passion. Alors elle se cherche et se choisit sa rivale, elle l'aime a cause de lui, elle la pare, elle se met a la suite, et les conduit a l'autel, et ...
— Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 58, Number 358, August 1845 • Various

... the rose, not to spake of a smile an' a timper of an angel. She's a parson's daughter, too, an' lives on a coral island in the Pacific Ocean, where the people is cannibals, no doubt, as I've good raison to know, for they ait up a lot o' me shipmates, and it was by good luck they didn't ait up myself and Master Will too—though I do belaive they'd have found me so tough that I'd have blunted their teeth an' soured on their stummicks, bad luck to them. ...
— Over the Rocky Mountains - Wandering Will in the Land of the Redskin • R.M. Ballantyne

... grandes figures et histoires de la Vie, Miracles Mort, et Passion de Nostre Seigneur, si narument faites des couleurs si vives et eclatantes, et le fonds d'un or si luysant, qu'il semble qu'elles sont faites depuis peu, encore qu'il y ait plus de treize cens ans. Entre ces figures sont treize fenestres de chacun coste, qui rendent un grand jour par toute l'eglise: derriere la troisieme et quatrieme colomne de la main droite est un tres-beau ...
— Palestine or the Holy Land - From the Earliest Period to the Present Time • Michael Russell

... quelque sorte que ce soit ledict Seigneur est resollu faire vivre ses subjectz en sa religion, et ne permettre jamais ny tollerer, quelque chose qui puisse advenir, qu'il n'y ait aultre forme ny exercice de religion en son royaulme que de la catholique (Instruction for the Governors of Normandy, Nov. 3, 1572; La ...
— The History of Freedom • John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton

... quaecumque, etc. For Law and Prophecy command us to give love to God and to the neighbour. Finis enim precepti caritas est, quia caritas propria et specialis uirtus est Christianorum. Nam caeterae uirtutes bonis et malis possunt esse communes; caritatem autem habere nisi perfecti non possunt. Vnde Iesus ait, "In hoc cognoscent omnes quod discipuli Mei estis, si dilexeritis inuicem." "For the roof and summit of divine doctrine is charity, because charity is the especial virtue of the Christians. For the other virtues may belong to good and ...
— The Latin & Irish Lives of Ciaran - Translations Of Christian Literature. Series V. Lives Of - The Celtic Saints • Anonymous

... parce qu'en physique je ne dois pas employer des expressions sur lesquelles on ne s'entend pas. Sans doute cependant, que l'histoire naturelle ni la physique ne nous conduisent nullement a croire que notre globe ait existe de toute eternite; et lorsqu'il prit naissance, il fallut bien que la matiere qui le composa fut de quelque nature, ou sous quelque premiere forme integrante. Rien donc jusqu'ici n'empeche d'admettre que ces montagnes que je nommerai ...
— Theory of the Earth, Volume 1 (of 4) • James Hutton

... but thur was seats, so us ait our paasties thur, and us bawth started crai'in when us bit into un. They zort 'er ...
— Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 159, November 17, 1920 • Various

... a hundred lamps in the search he burn. To the wilderness preacher, th' Evangelist says, The soldiers, too, thronged to repent of their ways, And had themselves christened in former days. Quid faciemus nos? they said: Toward Abraham's bosom what path must we tread? Et ait illis, and, said he, Neminem concutiatis; From bother and wrongs leave your neighbors free. Neque calumniam faciatis; And deal nor in slander nor lies, d'ye see? Contenti estote—content ye, pray, Stipendiis vestris—with your pay— And curse forever each evil way. There is a command—thou ...
— The Works of Frederich Schiller in English • Frederich Schiller

... number of passages in which these storehouses are mentioned, in his notes Sur differents mots et noms Egyptiens. In many of the cases which he quotes, and in which he recognizes an office of the State, I believe reference to be made to a trade: many of the ari ait-afu, "people of the store-chambers for meat," were probably butchers; many of the ari ait-hiqItu, "people of the store-chamber for beer," were probably keepers of drink-shops, trading on their own account in the town of Abydos, and not employes attached to ...
— History Of Egypt, Chaldaea, Syria, Babylonia, and Assyria, Volume 2 (of 12) • G. Maspero

... that all these documents, deduced from the Epick, are intended, like the reduction of the Iliad into acts, as directions and admonition to the Dramatick writer. Nam si in EPOPaeIA, que gravitate omnia poematum generae praecellit, ait principium lene esse debere; quanto magis in tragoedia et comoedia, idem videri debet? says de Nores. Praeceptum de intio grandiori evitaado, quod tam epicus quam tragicus cavere debet; says the Dauphin Editor. Il faut se souvenir qu' Horace appliqae a la Tragedie les regies ...
— The Art Of Poetry An Epistle To The Pisos - Q. Horatii Flacci Epistola Ad Pisones, De Arte Poetica. • Horace

... door," crooned Betsey as she looked anxiously around the cottage. "Nobody do knaw who's 'bout. Ah, Maaster Jasper, you ded a bad thing when you made an enemy of Jack Fraddam. But ther, you be 'ungry, and you aan't 'ad nothin' to ait for a long time. When I knawed you wos a-comin' I maade a conger pie. I knaw you like that. Conger, baaked in milk and parsley, Jasper, my deear. That ed'n bad fur a ...
— The Birthright • Joseph Hocking

... impetueux, quelque confus qu'il paraisse a nos yeux; dans la plus affreuse tempete excitee par des vents opposes qui soulevent les flots,—il n'y a pas une seule molecule de poussiere ou d'eau qui soit placee au HASARD, qui n'ait sa cause suffisante pour occuper le lieu ou elle se trouve, et qui n'agisse rigoureusement de la maniere dont ella doit agir. Un geometre qui connaitrait exactement les differentes forces qui agissent dans ces deux cas, at las ...
— The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley Volume I • Percy Bysshe Shelley

... habeo; Quidquid, dicunt, laudo; id rursum si negant, laudo id quoque; Negat quis, nego; ait, aio; Postremo imperavi egomet mihi Omnia assentari. ...
— Miscellaneous Poems • George Crabbe

... gross nonsense that Voltaire has written about Shakespeare, yet it was with justice that in a letter to Horace Walpole (dated July 15, 1768,) he said:—'Je suis le premier qui ait fait connaitre Shakespeare aux Francais.... Je peux vous assurer qu'avant moi personne en France ne connaissait la poesie anglaise.' Voltaire's ...
— Life Of Johnson, Vol. 2 • Boswell, Edited by Birkbeck Hill

... former des couches verticales, c'est ce que nous avons la preuve en fait dans les albatres, les agathes, et meme dans les crystallizations artificielles. Mais qu'une pierre toute formee, de la grosseur de la tete, se soit arretee au milieu d'une parois verticale, et ait attendu la que les petites particules de la pierre vinssent l'envelopper, la souder et la fixer dans cette place, c'est une supposition absurde et impossible. Il faut donc regarder comme une chose demontree, que ces poudingues ont ete formes dans une ...
— Theory of the Earth, Volume 2 (of 4) • James Hutton

... erunt; et erant submontibus illis; Risit Atlantiades; et me mihi, perfide, prodis? Me mihi prodis? ait. ...
— Andrew Marvell • Augustine Birrell

... avait vecu, car il y avait de l'etoffe en lui, il avait du genie, je la sais, bien que de grandes occasions lui aient manque; mais il est impossible de supposer qu'un chien capable de se battre comme lui, certaines circonstances etant donnees, ait manque de talent. Je me sens triste toutes les fois que je pense a son dernier combat et au denoument qu'il a eu. Eh bien! ce Smiley nourrissait des terriers a rats, et des coqs combat, et des chats, et toute sorte de choses, ...
— Innocents abroad • Mark Twain

... which were in very common use in France, during Moliere's time, are taken from the Vulgate, Matthew xxv. 12: "Domine, domine, aperi nobis."—At ille respondens ait: "Amen dico vobis, ...
— The Love-Tiff • Moliere

... 'Agedum' inquit 'age ferox i, fac ut hunc furor agitet, Fac uti furoris ictu reditum in nemora ferat, Mea libere nimis qui fugere imperia cupit. 80 Age caede terga cauda, tua verbera patere, Fac cuncta mugienti fremitu loca retonent, Rutilam ferox torosa cervice quate iubam.' Ait haec minax Cybebe religatque iuga manu. Ferus ipse sese adhortans rapidum incitat animo, 85 Vadit, fremit, refringit virgulta pede vago. At ubi umida albicantis loca litoris adiit, Teneramque vidit Attin prope marmora pelagi, Facit impetum: illa demens fugit in nemora fera: Ibi semper omne vitae ...
— The Carmina of Caius Valerius Catullus • Caius Valerius Catullus

... disfigurement to Battell's sober account than 'cutting off an article.' Thus Battell's statement that the Pongos "cannot speake, and have no understanding more than a beast," is rendered by Buffon "qu'il ne peut parler 'quoiqu'il ait plus d'entendement que les autres animaux'"; and again, Purchas' affirmation, "He told me in conference with him, that one of these Pongos tooke a negro boy of his which lived a moneth with them," stands in the French version, "un pongo lui enleva un petit negre ...
— Lectures and Essays • T.H. Huxley

... l'paule, son choix. La nuit, il se servait de ses armes aussi facilement que le jour, et l'on m'a cit de lui ce trait d'adresse qui paratra peut-tre incroyable qui n'a pas voyag en Corse. A quatre-vingts pas, on plaait une chandelle allume derrire un transparent de papier, large comme une assiette. Il mettait en joue, puis on teignait la chandelle, et, au bout d'une minute, dans l'obscurit la plus complte, il tirait et perait le ...
— Quatre contes de Prosper Mrime • F. C. L. Van Steenderen

... You flew. Whereto? Newhaven-Dieppe, steerage passenger. Paris and back. Lapwing. Icarus. Pater, ait. Seabedabbled, fallen, weltering. ...
— Ulysses • James Joyce

... inscrivent leurs noms, presente quelquefois une lecture interessante. Nous en copiames quelques pages. Le morceau le plus digne d'etre conserve est sans doute l'Ode latine suivante du celebre poete anglais Gray. Je ne crois pas qu'elle ait ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 62, January 4, 1851 • Various

... anecdote in Grimm's Correspondence, which says that 'Regnard et la plupart des poetes comiques etaient gens bilieux et melancoliques; et que M. de Voltaire, qui est tres gai, n'a jamais fait que des tragedies—et que la comedie gaie est le seul genre ou il n'ait point reussi. C'est que celui qui rit et celui qui fait rire sont ...
— Life of Lord Byron, With His Letters And Journals, Vol. 5 (of 6) • (Lord Byron) George Gordon Byron

... Larry to the man next him; "he knows that he's too tough and dry for any savage in his siven sinses to ait him, cooked or raw, and so he ...
— Sunk at Sea • R.M. Ballantyne

... 372: Les choses se vont accommoder a quoy sert la saison de l'hiver et ce que en la court l'on y danse souvent; que les Espaignolz et Angloys commencent a converser les ungs avec les aultres ... et n'y a personne qui puisse imaginer que Dieu ait voulu ung si grand marriage et de telz princes, pour en esperer sinon ung grand bien publique pour la Chrestiente, et pour restablir et asseurer les estatz de vostre majeste troublez par ses ennemis.—Renard to the Emperor: Granvelle Papers, ...
— The Reign of Mary Tudor • James Anthony Froude

... most recent French historian, M.H. Martin, sees in this trial a proof of the general demoralization of the whole French nation. "L'impression qui en resulte pour nous est l'impossibilite que la reine ait ete coupable. Mais plus les imputations dirigees contre elle etaient vraisemblables, plus la creance accordee a ces imputations etait caracteristique, et attestait la ruine morale de la monarchie. C'etait l'ombre du Parc aux Cerfs qui ...
— The Life of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France • Charles Duke Yonge

... libere sur parole et repris portant les armes contre le gouvernement auquel il l'avait donnee, peut etre prive des droits de prisonnier de guerre, a moins que, posterieurement a sa liberation, il n'ait ete compris dans un cartel ...
— Letters To "The Times" Upon War And Neutrality (1881-1920) • Thomas Erskine Holland

... in Ioa., 81, n. 3: "Non ait, quia sine me parum potestis facere, sed nihil potestis facere. Sive ergo parum sive multum, sine illo fieri non potest, sine quo nihil ...
— Grace, Actual and Habitual • Joseph Pohle

... post locator ipse, qui iugulos nostros victimae destinarat, cenaculum ingreditur. Nos admirari, 45 rogare quidnam accidisset, quod tam inexspectatus atque improvisus adesset. Ait se rem adferre flebilem, filiam suam, eius iuvenis uxorem, ita ab equo calcibus percussam ut iam animam propemodum ageret; tumultuario itinere sese accurrisse, ut eum 50 domum revocaret. Mihi iam tum commentum obolere coepit. ...
— Selections from Erasmus - Principally from his Epistles • Erasmus Roterodamus

... de votre billet. J'espere comme vous que bientot nos manufactures auront du coton. Je n'ai pas de tout ete choque de ce que Lord Russell n'ait pas recu Mr. Lindsay. Celui-ci m'avait demande l'autorisation de rapporter au principal secretaire d'Etat notre conversation et j'y ...
— Great Britain and the American Civil War • Ephraim Douglass Adams

... he showed more intolerance towards the Protestants, and favoured the teaching of the Jesuits in his dominions. Albert adorned the Stiftiskirche at Halle and the cathedral at Mainz in sumptuous fashion, and took as his motto the words Domine, dilexi decorem domus tuae. A generous patron of ait and learning, he counted Erasmus among his friends. He died at Aschaffenburg on the 24th of September ...
— Project Gutenberg Encyclopedia

... propria pecunia in Britannia ipsa instruxit, et primo tentens cum hominibus tercentum ad Septentrionem donec etiam Iulio mense vastas repererit glaciates moles pelago natantes, et lucem fere perpetuam, tellure tamen libera, gelu liquefacto: quare coactus fuit, vti ait, vela vertere et occidentem sequi: tetenditque tantum ad meridiem littore sese incuruante, vt Herculei freti latitudinis fere gradus aequarit: ad occidentemque profectus tantum est vt Cubam Insulam a Iaeua, longitudine ...
— The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of The English Nation, Vol. XII., America, Part I. • Richard Hakluyt

... furem comitatus euntem Huc ubi dat sontes carnificina neci, Ne sis moestus, ait; summi conviva Tonantis Jam cum coelitibus (si modo credis) eris. Ille gemens, si vera mihi solatia praebes, Hospes apud superos sis meus oro, refert. Sacrificus contra; mihi non convivia fas est Ducere, jejunans hac edo ...
— The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. in Nine Volumes - Volume the Eighth: The Lives of the Poets, Volume II • Samuel Johnson

... sur l'autel de leurs divinits tutlaires;—je ne fais qu'imiter leur exemple. Vous tes pour tous les Polonois cette divinit, qui la premire ait leve sa voix, du fond de l'impriale, Albion, ...
— Thaddeus of Warsaw • Jane Porter

... an' ait your food, bwoy. Theer ed'n no call to kick out they boots agin' the pig's 'ouse because I be gwaine to buy new wans ...
— Lying Prophets • Eden Phillpotts

... en cercle promenee Ait pose, sur l'email brillant, Dans les soixante pas ou sa route est bornee, Son pied sonore et vigilant, Le sommeil du tombeau pressera ...
— Literary Character of Men of Genius - Drawn from Their Own Feelings and Confessions • Isaac D'Israeli

... Pre Labat doubtless relates to their political passions only; for the women of color are, beyond any question, the best and sweetest persons in the world— coup sr, les meilleures et les plus douces personnes qu'il y ait au monde."—("Histoire de l'Ile de la Trinidad," par M. Pierre Gustave Louis Borde, vol. i., p. 222.) The same author, speaking of their goodness of heart, generosity to strangers and the sick says "they are born Sisters of Charity";—and ...
— Two Years in the French West Indies • Lafcadio Hearn

... "Saddu" is perhaps Nebi Shit, south of Baalbek, or possibly, though less probably, Sh'ait, south of Kamid, on the southwest slope ...
— Egyptian Literature

... belong, to appertain, and perhaps a few more, may best be called neuter; though some grammarians, as may be inferred from what is said above, deny that there are any neuter verbs in any language. "Verba Neutra, ait Sanctius, nullo pacto esse possunt; quia, teste Aristotele, omnis motus, actio, vel passio, nihil medium est."—Prat's Latin Gram., p. 117. John Grant, in his Institutes of Latin Grammar, recognizes in the verbs of that language ...
— The Grammar of English Grammars • Goold Brown

... fili, et tanquam faciem honesti video: quae, si oculis cerneretur, mirabiles amores (ut ait Plato) excitaret sapientia.—TULLY. ...
— The Disowned, Complete • Edward Bulwer-Lytton

... Fridays, and the amusements were music, tea-drinking, walking, and talking. Mr. Wroth quotes a Frenchman, who, after visiting Ranelagh in 1800, calls it 'le plus insipide lieu d'amusement que l'on ait pu imaginer,' and even hints at Dante's Purgatory. An earlier victim from Gaul thus records his experience of Ranelagh: 'On s'ennui avec de la mauvaise musique, du the et du beurre.' So true is it that the cheerfulness you find anywhere is the cheerfulness ...
— In the Name of the Bodleian and Other Essays • Augustine Birrell

... legumes; alors il avait du talent. Cela, Thomas, doit te prouver que ni les mauvais enseignements, ni les influences, ni la misere, ni la faim, ni la maladie, ne peuvent corrompre une nature bien douee. Elle souffre; mais trouve moi un grand artiste qui n'ait pas souffert. Il n'y a pas un seul homme de denie heureux ...
— On the Old Road Vol. 1 (of 2) - A Collection of Miscellaneous Essays and Articles on Art and Literature • John Ruskin

... perlegit? onerat discentem turba, non instruit, multoque satius est paucis te auctoribus tradere, quam errare per multos. Quadraginta milia librorum Alexandriae arserunt: pulcherrimum regiae opulentiae monumentum alius laudaverit, sicut et Livius, qui elegantiae regum curaeque egregium id opus ait fuisse: non fuit elegantia illud aut cura, sed studiosa luxuria, immo ne studiosa quidem, quoniam non in studium sed in spectaculum comparaverant sicut plerisque ignaris etiam servilium literarum libri non studiorum instrumenta sed coenationum ornamenta sunt. Paretur itaque ...
— The Care of Books • John Willis Clark

... avis que j'ai recu journellement de la situation des ennemis, que cette entreprise n'etait pas seulement practicable, mais meme qu'on pourrait en esperer tout le succes que je m'etais propose: enfin l'occasion en est perdue, et je souhaite de tout mon coeur qu'elle n'ait aucune facheuse suite, et qu'on n'ait pas lieu de s'en repentir quand il sera trop tard."—MARLBOROUGH aux Etats Generaux; 6 Septembre ...
— Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Vol 58, No. 357, July 1845 • Various

... dilectissimus filius meus Petrus diaconus adfuit, mihi a primvo juventutis flore amicitiis familiariter obstrictus, atque ad sacri verbi indagationem socius. Qui gravi excoqui cordis languore me intuens, ait: Num quidnam tibi aliquid accidit, quod plus te solito mror tenet? Cui inquam: Mror, Petre, quem quotidie patior, et semper mihi per usum vetus est, et ...
— Anglo-Saxon Literature • John Earle

... provisions which had been unexpended might furnish the Master's table. "He's nae belly god, that's ae blessing; and Bucklaw's gane, that could have eaten a horse behind the saddle. Cresses or water-purpie, and a bit ait-cake, can serve the Master for breakfast as weel as Caleb. Then for dinner—there's no muckle left on the spule-bane; it will brander, ...
— Bride of Lammermoor • Sir Walter Scott

... ex illa Stoici Zenonis definitione arripuisse videbantur, qui ait id verum percipi posse, quod ita esset animo impressum ex eo unde esset, ut esse non posset ex eo unde non esset. Quod brevius planiusque sic dicitur, his signis verum posse comprehendi, quae signa non potest habere quod falsum est."—Augustin, ...
— Historical Sketches, Volume I (of 3) • John Henry Newman

... species, Corylus americana Walt., is native to much of Virginia. Its distribution is from the northeastern states and Canada to Saskatchewan and the Dakotas and south to Florida and the Gulf of Mexico. Its adaptation is much wider than that of the beaked hazels (C. cornuta Marsh or C. roxtrata Ait. and the far western C. californica) the two other Corylus species native to the United States and Canada. This native americana, species appears at least to have value from the point of view of soil conservation, as food for wild ...
— Northern Nut Growers Association Incorporated 39th Annual Report - at Norris, Tenn. September 13-15 1948 • Various

... et de leur intelligence, j'ai senti a fond combien l'oeuvre de l'education est serieuse et combien il importe d'etre discipline soi-meme par le Seigneur pour discipliner les petits confies a nos soins. Il n'est done pas etonnant que votre livre m'ait vivement interessee et que j'aie voulu le mettre a la portee d'un grand nombre. Cela eut ete fait tut ou tard par d'autres, je ne l'ignore point; mais j'avais envie d'essayer mes forces, et.... l'occasion a fait le larron. Ne seriez-vous pas ma ...
— The Life and Letters of Elizabeth Prentiss • George L. Prentiss

... somewhat of a reaction, too, against the earlier chorus of praise in the commentary of Euanthius,[11] who condemns Plautus' persistent use of direct address of the audience. If it is true, as Donatus[12] says later: "Comoediam esse Cicero ait imitationem vitae, speculum consuetudinis, imaginem veritatis," we find it hard to understand Cicero's enthusiatic praise of Plautus, as we hope to show that he is very far from measuring up to any such comic ideal as that ...
— The Dramatic Values in Plautus • Wilton Wallace Blancke

... cela ne serait pas assez dur," repondit le poete. "Je suis fache qu'il n'y ait plus a Londres ce bon systeme de ramoneurs-garcons qu'on faisait bruler vifs quelquefois dans les cheminees. Faute de cela je le mettrai sur la voie ferree, a graisser les roues avec son petit pot de pommade jaune—et si par ...
— Punch, Or The London Charivari, Vol. 99., November 29, 1890 • Various

... basis to the capital-port, Santa Cruz. After rains the lake reappears in mud and mire; and upon the lip where the town is built the north-east and the south-west winds contend for mastery, shedding abundant tears. Yet the old French chronicler says of the site, 'Je ne croy pas qu'il y eu ait en tout le monde aucune autre de plus plaisante.' The mean annual temperature is 62 deg. 51' (F.), and the sensation is of cold: the altitude being 1,740 feet. Hence, like Orotava, it escaped the yellow fever which in October 1862 had slain ...
— To the Gold Coast for Gold - A Personal Narrative in Two Volumes.—Vol. I • Richard F. Burton

... Philips.) Londres, 1794. Madame,—Il faut qu'il y ait eu de l'impossibilit pour que ce matin je n'aie pas eu l'honneur de vous voir; ...
— The Diary and Letters of Madame D'Arblay Volume 3 • Madame D'Arblay

... lineari-lanceolatis laxe dentatis subglutinosis, floribus pedunculatis, caule fruticoso. L' Herit. Strip. nov. tom. 2. tab. 34. Ait. ...
— The Botanical Magazine Vol. 7 - or, Flower-Garden Displayed • William Curtis

... m'a fait grand plaisir en me disant qu'elle etait satisfaite de la conclusion de la paix, car ma constante preoccupation a ete, tout en desirant la fin d'une guerre ruineuse, de n'agir que de concert avec le Gouvernement de votre Majeste. Certes je concois bien qu'il ait ete desirable d'obtenir encore de meilleurs resultats, mais etait-ce raisonnable d'en attendre de la maniere dont la guerre avait ete engagee? J'avoue que je ne le crois pas. La guerre avait ete trop lentement conduite par nos generaux et nos amiraux et nous avions laisse le temps ...
— The Letters of Queen Victoria, Volume III (of 3), 1854-1861 • Queen of Great Britain Victoria

... et ses haltes, mais il avance toujours.—DE DECKER, La Providence, 174. Ce n'est pas au bonheur seul, c'est au perfectionnement que notre destin nous appelle; et la liberte politique est le plus puissant, le plus energique moyen de perfectionnement que le ciel nous ait donne.—B. CONSTANT, Cours de Politique, ii. 559. To explode error, on whichever side it lies, is certainly to secure progress.—MARTINEAU, Essays, i. 114. Die sammtlichen Freiheitsrechte, welche der heutigen Menschheit so theuer sind, sind im Grunde ...
— Lectures on Modern history • Baron John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton

... a MS. note to a hitherto inedited letter of Pauvan, and in his speech at the discussion at Lausanne. Herminjard, i. 293, 294. Farel's application was not without pungency: "Votre foi est-elle si bien fondee qu'un jeune fils, qui encore n'avoit point de barbe, vous ait fait tant de dommage, sans avoir tant etudie ne veu, sans avoir aucun degre, et vous etiez tant?" The admirer of heroic fortitude will scarcely subscribe to the words of the Jesuit Daniel, Hist. de France, x. 24: "On ne donne place dans l'histoire a ces meprisables noms, que ...
— The Rise of the Hugenots, Vol. 1 (of 2) • Henry Martyn Baird

... short of sanctity. En Jesus Christ toutes les contradictions sont accordees. Yet what difficulties again in the religion of Christ! Nulle autre religion n'a propose de se hair. La seule religion contraire a la nature, contraire au sens commun, est la seule qui ait toujours ete. ...
— Miscellaneous Studies: A Series of Essays • Walter Horatio Pater

... them seem to have gained access at Delphi; as did likewise others from Egypt: and by such was that oracle first founded. Egypt, among other names, was called Ait, and Ai Ait, by the Greeks expressed [Greek: Aetia]: [176][Greek: Eklethe de—kai AETIA.] The natives, in consequence of it, were called [Greek: Aetioi], and [Greek: Aetai]; which was interpreted eagles. Hence, ...
— A New System; or, an Analysis of Antient Mythology. Volume II. (of VI.) • Jacob Bryant

... "Elogium" to mean "hereditary disease," he continues, "as Cornelius Tacitus says in his book of Facetiae; 'therefore pained in the cutting off of children who had hereditary disease left to them'": "Elogium est haereditas in malo; sicut Cornelius Tacitus ait in libro Facetiarum: 'caesis itaque motum elogio in filiis derelicto.'" (De Vocibus Antiquis. p. 151. Basle ed. 1549). Justus Lipsius doubts whether the Discourse on the Causes of the Corruption of Latin Eloquence proceeded from Tacitus, or the other Roman to whom many ...
— Tacitus and Bracciolini - The Annals Forged in the XVth Century • John Wilson Ross

... nec virginis apta Tempora. Quae nupsit non diuturna fuit. Hac quoque de causa (si te proverbia tangunt), Mense malas Maio nubere vulgus ait." ...
— Notes & Queries No. 29, Saturday, May 18, 1850 • Various

... videtis, hospites, Ait fuisse navium celerrimus, Neque ullius natantis impetum trabis Nequisse praeter ire, sive palmulis Opus foret volare sive linteo. 5 Et hoc negat minacis Adriatici Negare litus insulasve Cycladas Rhodumque ...
— The Carmina of Caius Valerius Catullus • Caius Valerius Catullus

... celui qui vous nourissait, Qui vous vetissait, qui vous soutenait; Il est mort celui qui vous aimait, habitants de Berne Celui qui aimait son pays et qui l'a aime jusqu'a mourir. Il est mort a vingt-deux ans Comme meurent les martyrs et les saints; Que dieu ait pitie de son ame! Le seigneur est mort {HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS} Ma voix s'eteint, {HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS} Toi qui l'as trahi, sois maudit, sois maudit; Toi ...
— Brittany & Its Byways • Fanny Bury Palliser

... booty which they had carried off. From sea to sea Ka had fortified the eastern frontier against them. He had surrounded the principal cities with walls, embellished them with temples, and placed within them those mysterious talismans more powerful for defence than a garrison of men. Thus Ait-nobsu, near the mouth of the Wady-Tumilat, possessed one of the rods of the Sun-god, also the living uraeus of his crown whose breath consumes all that it touches, and, finally, a lock of his hair, which, being cast into the waters of a lake, was changed into a hawk-headed crocodile to tear the ...
— History Of Egypt, Chaldaea, Syria, Babylonia, and Assyria, Volume 1 (of 12) • G. Maspero

... deliciously protracted, affected to decline, and elude the very pleasure she sighed for, but in a style of waywardness, so prettily put on, and managed, as to render it ten times more poignant; then her eyes, all amidst the softest dying languishment, expressed, ait once a mock denial and extreme desire, whilst her sweetness was zested with a coyness so pleasingly provoking, her moods of keeping him off were so attractive, that they redoubled the impetuous rage with, which, he covered her ...
— Memoirs Of Fanny Hill - A New and Genuine Edition from the Original Text (London, 1749) • John Cleland

... constituee sans etre grande, elle n'aurait pas du savoir a les craindre, meme dans un age tres-avance; et elle en a ete atteinte bien avant lage, qui pout les faire craindre. Encore, ne les a-t- elle pas eucs partiellement, elle en a ete spoutanement accablee. Il n'est pas douteux qu'elle ne les ait cherchees. J'en donnerai pour preuve un fait qui est certain. A une epoque ou elle avait les yeux inflammes en tenant ce liquide aux moins a sept ou huit pouces de distance; et lui recommenda bien de ne ...
— Berlin and Sans-Souci • Louise Muhlbach

... Edition soigneusement revue et augmentee de cet important ouvrage contient la liste descriptive de Luthiers la plus complete qui ait paru jusqu' ici: elle offre de plus au lecteur une notice circonstanciee sur ...
— The Violin - Its Famous Makers and Their Imitators • George Hart

... de la faux respecte; Sans crainte du pressoir, le pampre tout l'ete Boit les doux presents de l'aurore; Et moi, comme lui belle, et jeune comme lui, {272} Quoique l'heure presente ait de trouble et d'ennui, Je ne veux point ...
— The French Revolution - A Short History • R. M. Johnston

... his only chance as the above thoughts flashed through his brain; and now came in the value of his old school-day experience, when he had been one of the bravest swimmers of his age. In fact, as he swam on, recollections of the old alder and willow ait in the clear river came back, and he smiled as he turned upon his side and forced his way through ...
— Middy and Ensign • G. Manville Fenn

... them, slaughtered, as they attempted their escape; and by Offenham Ferry, where in those times probably stood a bridge, there is a meadow, once an island, which to this day bears the name of "Deadman's Ait." The chroniclers tell of the shameful mutilation of the earl's corpse, and how the limbs were distributed through the country, but the dismembered body was buried reverently by the monks in the most sacred part of their church, even before ...
— Evesham • Edmund H. New

... suberat cultissimus herbis, Sectus humum rivo lene sonantis aquae. 4 Illic Tarquinius mandata latentia nati Accipit, et virga lilia summa metit. Nuntius ut rediit, decussaque lilia dixit, Filius 'Agnosco iussa parentis' ait. 8 Nec mora: principibus caesis ex urbe Gabina, ...
— Helps to Latin Translation at Sight • Edmund Luce

... semble," wrote Inigo di Mendoza to Charles on the 17th of June, 1529,—"il me semble que Sa Saintete differe autant qu'il peut ce qu' auparavant il avoit promis, et je crains qu'il n'ait ordonne aux legatz ce qui jusques a present avoit reste en suspens qu'ils procedent par la premiere commission. Ce qui faisant votre Majeste peut tenir la Reine autant ...
— The Reign of Henry the Eighth, Volume 1 (of 3) • James Anthony Froude

... at the Rocks, sufficiently paints her delight in her own garden. In compliment to this lady, I cannot help applying to her the exact words which Petrarch applies to Laura: une haute intelligence, un coeur pure, qui a la sagesse de l'age avance, ait le brilliant de la ...
— On the Portraits of English Authors on Gardening, • Samuel Felton

... pas en assez grand nombre pour soutenir un pareil etablissement. Oui, l'on aime votre genre de reliure; mais on aime les reliures, facon anglaise, faites par les Francais. Pensez-vous done, ou Charles Lewis pense-t-il, qu'il n'y ait plus d'esprit national ...
— A Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany, Volume One • Thomas Frognall Dibdin

... Montluc, iii. 393 (Petitot ed.): "pouvant dire avec la verite qu'il n'y a lieutenant de Roy en France qui ait plus faict passer d'Huguenots par le cousteau ou par la ...
— History of the Rise of the Huguenots - Volume 2 • Henry Baird

... n'a point d'ame a une ame mouuante, N'ayant point de raison il rend raison des temps; Bien quil n'ait pas de vie une vie agissante Sans vie se fait vivre marchant sur ...
— Publications of the Scottish History Society, Vol. 36 • Sir John Lauder

... Sanchez damnat virum de mortali, qui, in actu copulae, immiteret digitum in vas praeposterum uxoris; quia, ut ait, in hoc actu adest affectus ad Sodomiam" (Liguori, ...
— The Priest, The Woman And The Confessional • Father Chiniquy

... it, and herring is "yerring." "N" is an ill-treated letter sometimes, when it begins a word; nettles are always "ettles," but when not wanted, and two consecutive words run easier, it is added, as in "osier nait" for osier ait. ...
— Grain and Chaff from an English Manor • Arthur H. Savory

... natura extitisse impudentissime nugantur." The Bishop of Avranches had likewise his doubts; but he calmed them by saying: "Non pas que je veuille soustenir que tout en soit suppos: il y auroit de la tmerit desavouer qu'il y ait jamais e de Barlaam ni de Josaphat. Le tmoignage du Martyrologe, qui les met au nombre des Saints, et leur intercession que Saint Jean Damascene reclame la fin de cette histoire ...
— Chips from a German Workshop - Volume IV - Essays chiefly on the Science of Language • Max Muller

... roiamh am na h-Airce Tus agus crothugadh m'aois agus mo dhata Tha me o shoin im' shuidhe san ait so Agus is iomdha ...
— Three Wonder Plays • Lady I. A. Gregory

... translation.] Lettre de H.... G.... G Ecuyer, un des Gentilshommes de la Chambre du jeune Chevalier de S. George & la seule personne de sa Cour qui I'ait accompagne d' Avignon dans son voyage en Allemagne & autres Lieux. Contenant Plusieurs aventures touchantes & remarquables qui sont arrivees a ce Prince pendant le cours de son voyage secret. A un Ami particulier. ...
— The Life and Romances of Mrs. Eliza Haywood • George Frisbie Whicher

... thirteenth-century mystic, Rusbroeck the Admirable, is a cry for escape, for the 'something in the world that is there in no satisfying measure, or not at all': Il faut que je me rejouisse au-dessus du temps ... quoique le monde ait horreur de ma joie et que sa grossierete ne sache pas ce que je veux dire. And the book is the history of a Thebaide raffinee—a voluntary exile from the world in a new kind of 'Palace of Art.' Des Esseintes, the vague but typical hero, is one of those half-pathological ...
— Figures of Several Centuries • Arthur Symons

... be done in this case? Here are two contrary affirmations; and the matter being done in private, neither of us have any witness. I might plead, as AEmilius Scaurus did against one Varius, of Sucro. Varius Sucronensis ait, AEmilius Scaurus negat. Utri creditis Quirites?" p. 21.—The story is told by Valerius Maximus, lib. iii. c. 7. Scaurus was insolently accused by one Varius, a Sucronian, that he had taken bribes from Mithridates: Scaurus addressed the Roman people. "He did ...
— Calamities and Quarrels of Authors • Isaac D'Israeli

... oblique tuens, ait Articus illi— Immemorem sponsae cupidus quam mungit adulter! Haec tua tota fides, sic sic aliena ministras! Erubuit nihil ausa palam, nisi mollia pacis Verba, sed assuetis ...
— The Sonnets, Triumphs, and Other Poems of Petrarch • Petrarch

... dans les terres, et le long du rivage. Pour cet efet on se divisa en plusieurs troupes, et l'on ne reussit pas mieux que la premiere fois. On eut beau crier, apeller, tirer des coups de mousquet, tout fut inutile, et je n'ai pas seu qu'on ait jamais apris ce qu'etoient devenus ...
— Narrative of a Survey of the Intertropical and Western Coasts of Australia - Performed between the years 1818 and 1822 • Phillip Parker King

... ut ait Statius noster in Synephebis. 25 Nec vero dubitat agricola, quamvis sit senex, quaerenti cui serat respondere: 'dis immortalibus, qui me non accipere modo haec a maioribus ...
— Cato Maior de Senectute • Marcus Tullius Cicero

... yo could see her! When aw sit daan to get mi teah, Shoo puts her dolly o' mi knee, An' maks me sing it "Hush a bee," I'th' rocking chear; Then begs some sugar for it too; What it can't ait shoo tries to do; An' turnin up her cunnin e'e,, Shoo rubs th' doll maath, an says, "yo see, ...
— Yorkshire Ditties, First Series - To Which Is Added The Cream Of Wit And Humour From His Popular Writings • John Hartley

... profound gravity; but the Englishman, who had but lately come to Copenhagen, though a practised diplomatist, could not help giving some signs of astonishment. The King immediately addressed him in French: 'Eh, mais, Monsieur l'Envoye d'Angleterre, qu'avez-vous done? Pourquoi riez-vous? Est-ce qu'il y'ait quelque chose qui vous ait diverti? Faites-moi le plaisir de me l'indiquer. J'aime ...
— Life and Letters of Lord Macaulay • George Otto Trevelyan

... au Ministre de sa Majeste Britannique, resident aupres de moi, qui'il a du vous envoyer. Je suis persuade que vous saisirez avec plaisir cette occasion pour remplir a ce que l'honneur et le devoir vous prescrivent. Et sur ce je prie Dieu qu'il vous ait, Monsieur l'Amiral, en sa sainte et digne garde; etant votre ...
— Memoirs and Correspondence of Admiral Lord de Saumarez. Vol II • Sir John Ross

... mulet, ayant choisy en imitation celuy de cet animal comme le mieux pourueu. Il l'a long et gros comme le bras.—Le membre du Diable est long enuiron la moitie d'vne aulne, de mediocre grosseur, rouge, obscur, & tortu, fort rude & comme piquant.—Ce mauuais Demon ait son membre myparty, moitie de fer, moitie de chair tout de son long, & de mesme les genitoires. Il tient tousiours son membre dehors.—Le Diable a le membre faict de corne, ou pour le moins il en a l'apparence: c'est pourquoy il faict tant crier les femmes.—Jeannette d'Abadie dit qu'elle ...
— The Witch-cult in Western Europe - A Study in Anthropology • Margaret Alice Murray

... castum Lucretia pectus, Sanguinis et torrens egereretur, ait: Procedant testes me non favisse tyranno, Ante virum sanguis, spiritus ante deos. Quam recte hi testes pro me post fata loquentur, Alter apud manes, alter ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 223, February 4, 1854 • Various

... suus, "Vis audire rumores?" "Ita," inquit, "bonos et non alios." Cui alius, "Nescio nisi malos." "Ergo," inquit, "nolo audire." Et quum bis aut ter ei hoc diceret, semper idem respondit. In fine, quum sentiret vestem combustam, iratus ait socio, "Quare non dixisti mihi?" "Quia (inquit) dixista quod noluisti audire rumores nisi placentes ...
— The Book of Noodles - Stories Of Simpletons; Or, Fools And Their Follies • W. A. Clouston

... The druid answered: "I am not able to-day." Patrick prayed the Lord, and blessed the plain, and the darkness was expelled, and the sun shone out, and all gave thanks. They were for a long time contending thus before the king—i.e., as Nero said to Simon and Peter—et ait rex ad illos, "Libros vestros in aqua mittite, et ilium cujus libri illesi evaserint adorabimus." Respondit Patricius: "Faciam ego"; et dixit magus: "Nolo ego ad judicium ire aquae cum ipso; aquam etiam Deum habet"; because he heard that it was through water Patrick used to baptize. ...
— The Most Ancient Lives of Saint Patrick - Including the Life by Jocelin, Hitherto Unpublished in America, and His Extant Writings • Various

... duplicem in Christo esse naturam sacrilege confitetur duas esse personas; Eutyches uero recte credens unam esse personam impie credit unam quoque esse naturam. Qui conuictus euidentia rerum, quandoquidem manifestum est aliam naturam esse hominis aliam dei, ait duas se confiteri in Christo naturas ante adunationem, unam uero post adunationem. Quae sententia non aperte quod uult eloquitur. Vt tamen eius dementiam perscrutemur, adunatio haec aut tempore generationis facta est aut tempore resurrectionis. Sed si tempore generationis facta est, uidetur ...
— The Theological Tractates and The Consolation of Philosophy • Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius

... Ecossais et chef de la maison de Graham, le seul homme du monde qui m'ait jamais rappele l'idee de certains heros que l'on ne voit plus que dans les vies de Plutarque, avail soutenu le parti du roi d'Angleterre dans son pays, avec une grandeur d'ame qui rien avait point de pareille en ce siecle."—Memoires du Cardinal de ...
— The Works of Lord Byron, Volume 4 • Lord Byron

... me rendre utile, dont tout citoyen doit tre anim, m'a fait entreprendre l'ouvrage que je prsente au Public. S'il a le bonheur de mriter son approbation, quoiqu'il y ait peu de gloire attache au travail ingrat et fastidieux d'un Traducteur, je me dterminerai donner les meilleurs ouvrages allemands, sur l'Histoire Naturelle, la Minralogie, la Mtallurgie et la Chymie. Tout le monde sait que l'Allemagne possede en ce genre des trsors qui ont t jusqu'ici ...
— Baron d'Holbach - A Study of Eighteenth Century Radicalism in France • Max Pearson Cushing

... of the Charity Organisation Society. We shipped about an inch of water and sat in it for the rest of the time, an inconvenience she disregarded heroically. We had difficulties in landing Oscar from his frail craft upon the ait of our feasting,—he didn't balance sideways and was much alarmed, and afterwards, as Margaret had a pain in her back, I took him in my canoe, let him hide his shame with an ineffectual but not positively harmful paddle, ...
— The New Machiavelli • Herbert George Wells

... effinxisse vim Demosthenis, copiam Platonis, jucunditatem Isocratis. Nec vero quod in quoque optimum fuit studio consecutus est tantum, sed plurimas vel potius omnes ex se ipso virtutes extulit immortalis ingenii beatissima ubertate. Non enim pluvias (ut ait Pindarus) aquas colligit sed vivo gurgite exundat, dono quodam providentiae genitus, in quo vires suas eloquentia experiretur. Lib. x. ...
— A Dialogue Concerning Oratory, Or The Causes Of Corrupt Eloquence • Cornelius Tacitus

... Ep. ad Ephesios (lib. iii, cap.6): commenting on the text, "Our battle is not with flesh and blood," he explains this as meaning the devils in the air, and adds, "Nam et in alio loco de daemonibus quod in aere isto vagentur, Apostolus ait: In quibus ambulastis aliquando juxta Saeculum mundi istius, secundum principem potestatis aeris spiritus, qui nunc operatur in filos diffidentiae (Eph, ii,2). Haec autem omnium doctorum opinio est, quod aer iste qui coelum et terram medius dividens, inane ...
— History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom • Andrew Dickson White

... d'affaire de toute Espece dont j'ai ete plus que surcharge, Madame, depuis plus de quatre Mois, Chose que votre Chancelier a du vous attester, ne m' avois permis de vous rappeller Le souvenir de vos Bontes pour Moi; qualque Long qu'ait ete Le Silance que j'ai garde sur Le Desir que j'ai d'en meriter La Continuation j'espere qu'il ne m'en aura rien fait perdre: j'ose meme presumer Encore asses pour me flater qu'une Longue absence que je projette par raison et par une necessite absolue, ne m'efacera ...
— Pickle the Spy • Andrew Lang

... to you, ma'am," replied Fergus, "I'm not a taste hungry, and could ait nothing now; I'm much obliged to you at the ...
— Willy Reilly - The Works of William Carleton, Volume One • William Carleton

... splendour too persistently displayed. St. Evremond finds juster cause for his bored state of mind in the triviality of the subject-matter of operas, and his words are worth quoting at some length: 'La langueur ordinaire ou je tombe aux operas, vient de ce que je n'en ai jamais vu qui ne m'ait paru meprisable dans la disposition du sujet, et dans les vers. Or, c'est vainement que l'oreille est flattee, et que les yeux sont charmes, si l'esprit ne se trouve pas satisfait; mon ame d'intelligence avec ...
— The Opera - A Sketch of the Development of Opera. With full Descriptions - of all Works in the Modern Repertory • R.A. Streatfeild

... magnifiques du monde. Elles avaient des chefs qui s'appelaient Desaix, Kleber et Bonaparte; mais elles n'avaient pas la maitrise de la mer et rien ne revint des sables brulants du desert. Voici un siecle aussi qu'une armee la plus formidable d'Europe, conduite par le plus fameux conquerant qu'ait connu l'univers, tenta de submerger l'immense empire russe; mais l'empire etait trop grand pour la grande armee et rien ne revint des solitudes glacees de la steppe.... Puisse, de meme, aller loin, toujours plus loin, l'armee allemande deja ...
— Defenders of Democracy • The Militia of Mercy

... scaues quil affiert NOw knowe what behoueth 8 Quil ait du tout vne partie. That he haue of alle a partie. Quand vous alles par les rues, Whan ye goo by the streetes, Et vous encountres aulcuns And ye mete ony Que vous cognossies, That ye knowe, 12 Ou[2] quilz soyent de vostre Or that they ...
— Dialogues in French and English • William Caxton

... repose sur de beaux vergers, dans des prairies dont le terrein est inegal et varie, et sur de magnifiques chataigniers, dont les branches etendues ombragent les rochers contre lesquels ils croissent. En general, ces granits en couches horizontals redent ce pays charmant; car, quoiqu'il y ait, comme je l'ai dit, des couches qui forment des saillies, cependant elles sont pour l'ordinaire arrangees en gradins, ou en grandes assises posees en reculement les unes derriere les autres, et les bords de ces gradins sont couverts de la plus belle verdure, et d'arbres distribues de la ...
— Modern Painters, Volume IV (of V) • John Ruskin

... dimicaret in Gallia, et ab hoste raptus, equo ejus portaretur armatus, occurrit quidam ex hostibus qui cum nosset et insultans ait: Ceco Caesar! quod in lingua Gallorum dimitte significat. Et ita ...
— The Brass Bell - or, The Chariot of Death • Eugene Sue

... a letter written to Madame du Deffand, in 1769 he thus indignantly denounce Voltaire's applauses of the Empress:—"Voltaire me fait horreur Avec sa Caterine: le beau sujet de badinage que l'assassinat d'un mari, et l'usurpateur de son tr'one! Il n'est pas mal, dit-il, qu'on ait une faute r'eparer: eh! comment reparer un meurtre? Est-ce en retenant des po'etes 'a ses gages? en payant des historiens mercenaires, et en soudoyant des philosophes ridicules 'a mille lieues dc son pays? Ce sent ces 'ames viles qui chantent un ...
— Letters of Horace Walpole, V4 • Horace Walpole

... you for your wild boar; who, now he is dead, I assure him, 'se laissera bien manger malgre qu'il en ait'; though I am not so sure that I should have had that personal valor which so successfully distinguished you in single combat with him, which made him bite the dust like Homer's heroes, and, to conclude my period sublimely, put him into that PICKLE, from which I propose eating him. ...
— The PG Edition of Chesterfield's Letters to His Son • The Earl of Chesterfield

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