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  English Dictionary   examples: 'day', 'get rid of', 'New York Bay'

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vibrio - victoria cross
victoria day - vigna radiata
vigna sesquipedalis - vineyard
vingt et un - viorna baldwinii
viosterol - virilise
virilism - visibility
visible - vitamin a
vitamin a1 - vivisection
vivisectionist - voix celeste
vol au vent - volution
volva - voyageurs national park
voyeur - wade
wade - waist deep
waist high - walking on air
walking papers - walton
waltz - waratah
warble - wars of the roses
warsaw - wastebin
wasted - water flaxseed
water flea - water softener
water soluble - watermelon vine
waterpower - waxing
waxing - wearer
wearied - webworm
webworm moth - wei dynasty
weigela - well behaved
well being - welsh poppy
welsh rabbit - west tocharian
west virginia - weston
weston cell - wheatworm
wheedle - whiplike
whipped cream - whit leather
whit tuesday - white horse nettle
white hot - white shark
white sheep - whitney young
whitsun - whorl
whorled - wiggle room
wiggler - wild pink
wild pitch - willard frank libby
willard huntington wright - william le baron jenny
william lloyd garrison - wilson s phalarope
wilson s snipe - windlass
windless - wing flat
wing loading - winter sweet
winter urn - wisent
wish - witness
witness - wolstonian glaciation
wolverine - wood hen
wood hoopoe - woodwardia virginica
woodwaxen - word of honor
word of mouth - working capital
working class - worm lizard
worm salamander - wrangle
wrangler - write about
write copy - wv
www - xenicus
xenicus gilviventris - xx
xx - yajur veda
yak - yawn
yawner - yellow dwarf
yellow dwarf of potato - yellow turnip
yellow twining snapdragon - yhwh
yi - younker
youth - zambian
zambian - zenaidura macroura
zend - zinc deficiency
zinc ointment - zone fire
zone of interior - zygomorphic
zygomorphous - zyrian