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  English Dictionary   examples: 'day', 'get rid of', 'New York Bay'

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tor - torturer
torturesome - touch system
touch type - tower mustard
tower of babel - toynbee
toyohashi - trade
trade - tragelaphus imberbis
tragelaphus scriptus - tramp
tramp - transferability
transferable - transmission time
transmit - transylvanian alps
tranylcypromine - travelling bag
travelling salesman - tree celandine
tree clubmoss - trenail
trench - triamcinolone
triangle - trichoglossus moluccanus
tricholoma - trifid bur marigold
trifle - trim back
trim down - triple time
triple tongue - troglodyte
troglodytes - tropopause
troposphere - true cedar
true dwarf - trundle
trundle bed - tsuga mertensiana
tsunami - tudor
tudor arch - tuna fish
tuna fish salad - turbinal
turbinate - turkmenistan
turko tatar - turpin
turpitude - twang
twat - twilight sleep
twilight vision - two hundredth
two iron - tyndall
tyndall effect - tyrant flycatcher
tyre - ukranian
ukranian monetary unit - ultramontanism
ultranationalism - umptieth
umteen - unapparent
unappealable - unbarred
unbarreled - uncaring
uncarpeted - uncolumned
uncombable - uncontroversially
unconventional - undemocratic
undemocratically - underlay
underlay - undeserving
undesigned - undying
undynamic - unexceptional
unexchangeability - unflavoured
unflawed - ungratifying
ungreased - unicycle
unicycle - unintelligible
unintelligibly - united nations agency
united nations children s fund - universalism
universalist - unlimited
unlined - unmilitary
unmindful - unpack
unpackaged - unpotted
unpowered - unrealistic
unrealistically - unrest
unrested - unseasonableness
unseasonably - unsophisticated
unsorted - unsusceptibility
unsusceptible - untoward
untraceable - unwanted
unwantedly - upanishad
upbeat - uppercut
uppermost - uranoscopidae
uranus - urinary retention
urinary system - us coast guard
us congress - usury
ut - ux
uxor - vacuum bag
vacuum bomb - valiance
valiancy - van wyck brooks
vanadate - vapourousness
vapours - varus
vary - vaunt
vaunter - veld
veldt - vena gastroomentalis
vena genus - venae dorsales penis superfici
venae epigastricae superiores - venous pressure
venous sinus - verbal noun
verbalisation - vermont
vermonter - vertical file
vertical fin - vest
vest - vibratory