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rephrasing - reproachfully
reprobate - republic of nicaragua
republic of niger - resale
rescale - resift
resign - respiratory disorder
respiratory distress syndrome - restrict
restricted - retentiveness
retentivity - retriever
retro - reverberatory furnace
revere - revolution
revolutionary - rhamnus carolinianus
rhamnus croceus - rhinostenosis
rhinotermitidae - rhus diversiloba
rhus glabra - ribless
riblike - richly
richmond - rifampin
rife - right to liberty
right to life - ring around a rosy
ring around the rosy - riparian forest
riparian right - river boulder
river cam - roaring
roast - robert redford
robert robinson - rock crystal
rock dove - rocking horse
rockingham - rolaids
roland de lassus - roman legion
roman letters - roofing paper
roofing tile - roping
ropy - rosellinia
rosemaling - rotifer
rotifera - round angle
round arch - rowan tree
rowanberry - rubbish
rubbish - rude
rudely - rum blossom
rum cherry - run through
run time - rurally
ruritania - rusticism
rusticity - sabahan
sabahan - sachem
sachet - saddlebill
saddlebow - sage green
sage green - saint cloud
saint crispin - sal ammoniac
sal soda - salian
salian frank - salmon loaf
salmon oil - salubrity
saluki - sambucus caerulea
sambucus canadensis - san pedro sula
san salvador - sander
sanderling - santa anna
santa barbara - sapphire berry
sapphirine - sarcorhamphus
sarcorhamphus papa - satchmo
sate - satyrical
satyridae - savannah river
savant - saxicolous plant
saxifraga - scale wax
scaled - scaphiopus multiplicatus
scaphocephaly - scatter
scatter pin - scheol
scherzo - schnook
schnorchel - schtikl
schubert - scissure
sciuridae - scone
scoop - scotch pine
scotch tape - scrape along
scrape by - screwball
screwball - scruple
scruple - scythian lamb
sd - sea poker
sea poose - seamstress
seamy - sebaceous follicle
sebaceous gland - second hand
second hand - secretary of labor
secretary of state - sedate
sedately - seel
seeland - selective
selective amnesia - self destroy
self destruct - self propelling
self protection - selling point
selling price - semiformal
semigloss - send in
send off - sense of humor
sense of humour - sentiency
sentient - sequella
sequenator - serialisation
serialise - serratia marcescens
serration - servomechanism
servosystem - settle down