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  English Dictionary   examples: 'day', 'get rid of', 'New York Bay'

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chilliness - chinese cabbage
chinese celery - chippendale
chippendale - chlamys
chloasma - chocolate fondue
chocolate fudge - choose up
chooser - chosen
chosen people - christmas stocking
christmas tree - chronology
chronometer - chukchi sea
chukka - chytridiales
chytridiomycetes - cimicifuga racemosa
cimmerian - circinus
circis siliquastrum - cirrocumulus
cirrocumulus cloud - citrus maxima
citrus mealybug - civil service
civil suit - clang
clanger - class cestoda
class channidae - class pteridospermopsida
class pyrenomycetes - claudius
claudius i - clear away
clear cut - clerk
clerk - climbing lily
climbing maidenhair - clitocybe dealbata
clitocybe inornata - clorox
close - clostridium perfringens epsilo
closure - clozaril
cloze - clypeus
clyster - coal black
coal burning - coati mondi
coati mundi - cochlear
cochlearia - cocoon
cocoon - coenobitical
coenzyme - cognise
cognition - cola extract
cola nut - collaborate
collaboration - collet chuck
collide - colophony
color - colour tv
colour tv tube - comb out
comb out - come out of the closet
come over - commander in chief
commandership - commissionaire
commissioned - common european dogwood
common european earwig - common rorqual
common rose mallow - commune
commune - comparable
comparable to - complect
complement - compound morphology
compound number - computer graphics
computer guru - conceivably
conceive - concomitant
concomitant - condone
condor - confession of judgment
confessional - conge
congeal - conic waxycap
conical - conniving
connochaetes - conservator ward relation
conservatory - consternate
consternation - contact
contact - continent
continent wide - contract of adhesion
contract of hazard - control operation
control panel - conversion disorder
conversion factor - cookie jar
cookie jar reserve - copaline
copalite - copyedit
copyhold - corday
corded - cormorant
cormose - cornetist
corneum - corposant
corps - corrupt
corrupt - corydalus cornutus
corylaceae - cost accountant
cost accounting - cotter pin
cottidae - council of trent
council of vienne - counterfeit
counterfeit - countryman
countryseat - couth
couthie - cower
cowfish - crabs
crabwise - crangon
crangonidae - crateful
crater - creatively
creativeness - creeping zinnia
creeps - crete
crete dittany - crimson yellow
cringe - crockett