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  English Dictionary   examples: 'day', 'get rid of', 'New York Bay'

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arranged - art exhibition
art form - arteria lingualis
arteria lumbalis - arthur holmes
arthur honegger - artillery fire
artillery plant - asala
asama - ascoma
ascomycete - asiatic black bear
asiatic buffalo - asphodelaceae
asphodeline - assentient
assenting - assortative mating
assorted - astigmatism
astigmia - asunder
asur - atacama trench
atactic - athrotaxis
athrotaxis selaginoides - atomic number
atomic number - atomic reactor
atomic spectrum - attacapan
attach - attractively
attractiveness - audition
auditive - aunty
aura - australian labor party
australian lungfish - autistic
auto - automated
automated teller - autotrophic
autotrophic organism - aviary
aviate - awkwardness
awl - azide
azido - babbling
babe - bach
bach - backchat
backcloth - backswimmer
backsword - badger
badger - bailiwick
bailment - balbriggan
balconied - ballad
ballad maker - balsam of tolu
balsam pear - banderillero
bandicoot - bank run
bank shot - baptistery
baptistic - barbeque
barbeque - baritone
baritone - baronet
baronetage - barthelme
barthold george niebuhr - bashfulness
basia - basketweaver
basking shark - basutoland
bat - batter fried
batter s box - battle of rossbach
battle of saratoga - bay
bay - beach grass
beach heather - bear claw
bear cub - beaufort scale
beaufort sea - bedaub
bedaubed - beef man
beef neck - beggar my neighbor strategy
beggar my neighbour - beira
beirut - bell heather
bell jar - belong to
belonging - benedict
benedict arnold - bennett
bennettitaceae - bergamot
bergamot mint - bertolucci
bertram brockhouse - beta lactamase
beta lipoprotein - beveridge
beverly hills - bibliomania
bibliomaniacal - bier
bierce - bight
bight of benin - bill of sale
bill poster - binary arithmetic operation
binary code - biohazard
biohazard suit - biquadrate
biquadratic - birle
birling - bit
bit by bit - bituminoid
bituminous - black cypress pine
black death - black pine
black plague - blackfriar
blackguard - blameful
blameless - blastomyces
blastomycete - blended whisky
blender - blink away
blink of an eye - blonde
blonde - bloody
bloody - blue baby
blue belly - blue ribbon committee
blue ribbon jury - blunt
blunt - boat paddle
boat race - bodoni
bodoni font - bogus
bogy - bolographic
bolometer - bombyliidae
bombyx - boniness
bonito - book of numbers
book of obadiah - boot camp
boot maker - boringness
boris fyodorovich godunov - bostonian
bosun - bottling plant
bottom - boundary condition